Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >北澤 誠男

Architecture Course Department of Architecture and Design?

北澤 誠男 Masao KITAZAWA 画像の説明

  • Department
    工学部 建築学科 准教授
  • Specialized field
  • Research theme
  • URL
  • Career
    • Educational background
    • Work history
  • Degree, etc.
  • Awards, etc.
  • Academic societies

北澤 誠男 Masao KITAZAWA

  • Department
    工学部 建築学科 准教授
  • Department / Faculty Management

  • Activities within the university, such as committees, centers, and research institutes

  • Collaboration activities with industry, government, and academia

  • External activities
  • Other

北澤 誠男 Masao KITAZAWA

  • Department
    工学部 建築学科 准教授
  • Undergraduate education (lectures)
  • Graduate education (lecture)

  • Teaching thesis
    • 卒業論文等の指導: 名
    • 修士論文等の指導: 名
    • 博士論文等の指導: 名
  • Teaching portfolio
  • Posture for class
  • Self-evaluation of educational activities
  • Training activities to improve classes
  • Active learning
  • Outline of main course subjects and achievement targets
  • Level of achievement against specific goals
  • Responding to requests from students

北澤 誠男 Masao KITAZAWA

  • Department
    工学部 建築学科 准教授
  • Books etc:
  • Academic papers, works, etc.
  • Conference Activities & Talks
  • External funds, patents, copyrights, etc.
  • Activities in academic societies

北澤 誠男 Masao KITAZAWA

  • Department
    工学部 建築学科 准教授
  • Contribution in the local community

  • Committee members, officers, etc. in public institutions

  • Organization management such as academic societies

  • Disaster relief activities in Japan and overseas

  • Other

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