Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >川口 雅之

Sustainable Chemistry Course Department of Engineering Science?

KAWAGUCHI Masayuki 画像の説明

  • Department
    Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Engineering Science, Sustainable Chemistry Course
    Graduate School of Engineering, Advanced Science and Engineering Course
  • Specialized field
    Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Carbon Materials, Electrochemistry
  • Research theme
    Preparation of Environmentally Conscious Materials, and Their Application to Batteries and Photocatalysts
  • Career
    • Educational background
      1979: Graduated from Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University
      1981: Graduated from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (Master's Degree)
      1984: Graduated from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University (Doctor's Degree)
    • Work history
      1984: Researcher, Central Glass Co., Ltd.
      1985-1986: Visiting Researcher in University of California, Berkeley
      1992: Chief Researcher, Central Glass Co., Ltd.
      1994: After leaving Central Glass Co., Ltd., he became a lecturer at Osaka Electro-Communication University (OECU)
      1995: Associate professor of Faculty of Engineering, OECU
      1999: Full Professor of Faculty of Engineering, OECU
      2000-Present: Supervisor of Graduate School of Engineering, OECU
      2001: Part-time Lecturer at Yamaguchi University (Summer Intensive Course)
      2004: Part-time Lecturer at Aichi Institute of Technology (Summer Intensive Course)
      2020-2024: Dean of Graduate School of Engineering, OECU
  • Degree, etc.
    Doctor of Engineering
  • Awards, etc.
    2012: Academic Award, Carbon Society of Japan
  • Academic societies
    The Chemical Society of Japan, The Carbon Society of Japan, The Electrochemical Society of Japan


  • Department
    Professor, Department of Engineering Science, Sustainable Chemistry Course, Faculty of Engineering
    Advanced Science and Engineering Course, Graduate School of Engineering
  • Collaboration activities with industry, government, and academia
    Collaborated research with Kansai University, University of Hyogo, Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, Kyoto University, University of Lorraine (France), Oregon State University (USA), Nippon Soda Co., Ltd., Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc., Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd., Toyo SS Co., Ltd. and others


  • Department
    Professor, Department of Engineering Science, Sustainable Chemistry Course, Faculty of Engineering
    Advanced Science and Engineering Course, Graduate School of Engineering
  • Undergraduate education (lectures)
    Chemistry 1
    Chemical Laboratories
    Environmental and Batteries

  • Graduate education (lecture)
    Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

  • Teaching thesis (Graduated before April, 2024 from Kawaguchi Lab)
    • Bachelor's degree: 287 students
    • Master's degree: 58 students
    • Doctor's degree: 3 students
    • Supported for Awards
      Mr. Hiromichi Ishikawa: Award for Oral Presentation at The Society for Discrete Variational Xα in 2017
      Mr. Masatoshi Kawano: Award for Poster Presentation at The Carbon Society of Japan in 2014
      Mr. Nobutaka Fukui: Award for Poster Presentation at The Carbon Society of Japan in 2007
      Mr. Shinya Kuroda: Award for Oral Presentation at The Society for Discrete Variational Xα in 2007

Teaching portfolio

  • Posture for class
     I teach students through the lecture while checking the state and understanding of the students. In class, I also explain how to use textbooks, how to take notes, how to search the internet, and how to use the library. Ultimately, I think it is important to get students interested and deepen their understanding.
  • Self-evaluation of educational activities
     I feel that I am able to progress well in a small class because I can see the students reactions well. On the other hand, in classes of over 100 students, there is a wide range of student requirements and levels of understanding. For this reason, I am devising ways to take time in the lectures to go back to the basics and explain them, as well as time to include slightly higher-level contents.
  • Training activities to improve classes
     Recently we have online classes so that I can use class recordings for self-check as well as for students use.
  • Active learning
     I am in charge of a subject called "Regional Project Activities" and guide students to apply for various contests. Through the process of applying for this program, the students seem to have acquired the basics necessary for graduation research and becoming a member of society.
  • Outline of main course subjects and achievement targets
     In the "Chemistry" class for first-year students and "Chemistry Laboratory" for second-year students, I teach basic chemistry in ways that even students who have never studied chemistry in high school can understand. I also teach students who studied chemistry in high school to enter another dimension of chemistry at university.
  • Level of achievement against specific goals
     The degree of achievement is determined by the content of the report submitted above and the examination. Over the past five years, it has fluctuated between 50% and 80% depending on the year.
  • Responding to requests from students
     I always look at the results of the questionnaire every year, and particularly refer to the written comments, which I use to improve my classes.


  • Selected Research Activities (The following publications are only those written in English. Publications written in Japanese are excluded.)
  • 1. Books etc:(Editing, Co-writing; These publications are only those written in English. Publications written in Japanese are excluded.)
  1. M. Kawaguchi, K. Yamada, H. Ishikawa(Contribution): “Intercalation Chemistry and Application of B/C/N Materials to Secondary Batteries” in New Fluorinated Carbons: Fundamentals and Applications, Chapter 11, p.261-281(2016), edited by O. V. Boltalina, T. Nakajima, Elsevier.
  2. M.Kawaguchi and N.Bartlett(Contribution):“Syntheses, Structures and Intercalation Chemistry of B/C/N Materials Based on the Graphite Network” in Chemistry, Physics and Applications of Fluorine-carbon and Fluoride-carbon Compounds, Chapter 5, p.187-238(1995), edited by T.Nakajima, Marcel Dekker, New York.

  • 2. Academic papers, Works, etc. (The following publications are only those written in English. Publications written in Japanese are excluded.)
    • 2-1. Academic papers(Full paper, Letter, Note)
  1. Shotaro Nagakura, Yukako Kouge, Masae Yoshida, Kazuma Gotoh, Ishin Nishimura, Masayuki Kawaguchi: “Electrochemical Lithium Intercalation into and De-intercalation out of B/C Materials Used as Li-ion Battery Anodes”, Carbon Reports, 2, 123-129(2023). (
  2. Masayuki Kawaguchi, Hiromichi Ishikawa, Pascal Berger, Mélissa Fauchard, Sébastien Cahen, Claire Hérold: “Novel Ca and Ca-Li Intercalated B/C and B/C/N Materials with Layered Structures”, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 95, 1453-1460(2022). (
  3. J. Maruyama, D. Nakajima, S. Maruyama, S. Takenaka, H. Mizuhata, A. Yoshida, M. Kawaguchi: “Graphitic Carbon Materials with Various Nanostructures Decorated with Fe‑N‑C Catalytically Active Sites for Air Electrodes”, Electrocatalysis, 13, 219–229(2022). (
  4. H. Ishikawa, H. Higuchi, M. Kawaguchi: “Intercalation of Calcium into a Graphite-like Layered Material”, Chem. Lett., 47, 891–893(2018). DOI: 10.1246/cl.180236
  5. K. Yamada, H. Ishikawa, C. Kamiwaki, M. Kawaguchi: “The Role of Boron in B/C/N and B/C Materials as an Anode of Sodium Ion Batteries”, Electrochemistry, 83, 452-458(2015).
  6. M.Kawaguchi, A. Kurasaki:“Intercalation of magnesium into a graphite-like layered material of composition BC2N”Chem. Commun., 48, 6897–6899(2012). DOI: 10.1039/c2cc31435e
  7. Y. Matsuo, K. Iwasa, Y. Sugie, H. Usami, M. Kawaguchi:“Effect of the perfluoroalkyl groups on the preparation of carbon-based transparent and conductive thin films from silylated graphite oxides”, J. Fluorine Chemistry, 132, 669-672(2011).
  8. J. Maruyama, N. Fukui, M. Kawaguchi, T. Hasegawa, H. Kawano, T. Fukuhara, S. Iwasaki:“Factors for active site generation and pore development in fuel cell catalysts formed from glucose/nitrogen source/Fe salts”, Electrochemistry, 79, 318-321(2011).
  9. J. Maruyama, N. Fukui, M. Kawaguchi, T. Hasegawa, H. Kawano, T. Fukuhara, S. Iwasaki:“Direct synthesis of a carbonaceous fuel cell catalyst from solid containing small organic molecules and metal salts”, Carbon, 48, 3271-3276(2010).
  10. M. Kawaguchi, K. Ohnishi, K. Yamada, Y. Muramatsu: “Intercalation chemistry and electronic structure of graphite-like layered material BC2N” J. Electrochem. Soc., 157, P13-P17(2010).
  11. M. Kawaguchi, T. Yamanaka, Y. Hayashi, H. Oda: Preparation and capacitive properties of a novel carbonaceous material containing nitrogen" J. Eelectrochem. Soc., 157, A35-A40(2010).
  12. J. Maruyama, N. Fukui, M. Kawaguchi, I. Abe: “Use of purine and pyrimidine bases as nitrogen sources of active site in oxygen reduction catalyst” J. Power Sources, 194, 655-661(2009).
  13. M. Kawaguchi, S. Kuroda, Y. Muramatsu: “Electric structure and intercalation chemistry of graphite-like layered material with a composition of BC6N” J. Physics and chemistry of solids, 69, 1171-1178(2008).
  14. J. Maruyama, N. Fukui, M. Kawaguchi, I. Abe: “Application of nitrogen-rich amino acids to active site generation in oxygen reduction catalyst” J. Power Sources, 182, 489-495(2008).
  15. M.Kawaguchi, A.Itoh, S.Yagi, H.Oda: “Preparation and characterization of carbonaceous materials containing nitrogen as electrochemical capacitor” J. Power Sources, 172, 481-486(2007).
  16. M.Kawaguchi, Y.Imai and N.Kadowaki: “Intercalation Chemistry of B/C/N Materials for Anode of Li Ion Battery”J.Phys.Chem.Solids, 67, 1084-1090(2006).
  17. J.Maruyama, K.Sumino, M.Kawaguchi and I.Abe: “Influence of activated carbon pore structure on oxygen reduction at catalyst layers supported on rotating disk electrodes” Carbon, 42, 3115-3121(2004).
  18. M.Kawaguchi, S.Yagi and H.Enomoto: “Chemical Preparation and Characterization of Nitrogen-rich Carbon Nitride” Carbon, 42, 345-350(2004).
  19. H.Enomoto, T.Kawano, M.Kawaguchi, Y.Takano and K.Sekizawa: “Van der Waals Growth of Thin TaS2 on Layered Substrates by Chemical Vapor Transport Technique” JJAP, 43, L123-L126(2004).
  20. T.Kawano, M.Kawaguchi, Y.Okamoto, H.Enomoto and H.Bando: “Preparation of Layered B/C/N Thin Films on Nickel Single Crystal by LPCVD” Solid State Sciences, 4, 1521-1527(2002)
  21. M.Kawaguchi, Y.Wakukawa and T.Kawano: “Preparation and Electronic State of Graphite-like Layered Material BC6N” Synthetic Metals, 125, 259-263(2002).
  22. X.Zhang, M.M.Lerner, H.Gotoh and M.Kawaguchi: “Air Stability and Surface Passivation of Acceptor-type Graphite Intercalation Compounds” Carbon, 38, 1775-1783(2000)
  23. T.Oku and M.Kawaguchi: “Microstructure Analysis of CN-based Nanocage Materials by High-resolution Electron Microscopy” Diamond and Related Materials, 9, 906-910(2000).
  24. T.Hirano, T.Oku, M.Kawaguchi and K.Suganuma: “Formation and Properties of Boron Nitride Nanocapsules with Metals and Semiconductor Nanoparticles” Mol.Crys.Liq.Cryst., 340, 787-792(2000).
  25. M.Kawaguchi and Y.Wakukawa: “Electrochemical Intercalation of Lithium or Perchlorate Ion into Graphite-like Layered Material of BC6N” Mol.Crys.Liq.Cryst., 340, 479-484(2000).
  26. M.Kawaguchi, Y.Wakukawa and H.Nakamura: “Soft X-ray Emission Band Spectra of BC6N and Its Electronic State” J.Phys.Chem.B, 104, 5869-5870(2000).
  27. M.Kawaguchi and Y.Wakukawa: “Synthesis of Graphite-like Material of Composition BC6N by CVD method at high temperature” Carbon, 37, 147-163(1999).
  28. M.Kawaguchi and A.Sugiyama: “Syntheses and Characterization of Graphite-like Material of Composition BC6N2(H)” Mater.Sci.Res.Int., 3(2), 88-93(1997).
  29. M.Kawaguchi, K.Hatani, Y.Wakukawa, K.Tatsumi and H.Shioyama: “Preparation of Graphite-like Material BCXNY(H) via Lewis Acid-Base Type Adduct (CH2CHCN)a:(BX3)b{X=F or Cl}” Tanso, 1997(180), 250-252(1997).
  30. M.Kawaguchi, Y.Tokimatsu, K.Nozaki, Y.Kaburagi and Y.Hishiyama: “Preparation and Properties of a New Hard Material of Composition C3N3.6-4.5O1.1-1.2H4.1-4.2” Chem.Lett., 1997, 1003-1004(1997).
  31. M.Kawaguchi, T.Kawashima and T.Nakajima: “Syntheses and Structures of New Graphite-like Materials of Composition BCN(H) and BC3N(H)” Chem.Mater., 8, 1197-1201(1996).
  32. K.Nozaki, M.Kawaguchi, K.Sato and M.Kuwabara: “BaTiO3-based PTCR Ceramics with Low Resistivities Prepared by Oxalate Method” J.Mater.Sci., 30, 3395-3400(1995).
  33. M.Kawaguchi and K.Nozaki: “Synthesis, Structure and Characteristics of a New Host Material [(C3N3)2(NH)3]n” Chem.Mater., 7(2), 257-264(1995).
  34. H.Togashi, Y.Koga, T.Kakudate, S.Fujiwara, M.Kubota, K.Fukuda, H.Nakagawa and M.Kawaguchi:“Carbon Dioxide Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry of a Mixture of s-Triazine Oligomers Analyzed by a Method which Assumes a Pattern of Chemical Formulae” Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 8, 465-470(1994).
  35. F.Kokai, Y.Koga, Y.Kakudate, M.Kawaguchi, S.Fujiwara, M.Kubota and K.Fukuda: “Laser-ionization Mass-spectrometric Studies on Laser Ablation of a Nitrogen-rich Polymer at 532nm and 1064nm” Appl.Phys., A 59, 299-304(1994).
  36. M.Kawaguchi and T.Kawashima: “Synthesis of a New Graphite-like Layered Material of Composition BC3N” J.Chem.Soc.,Chem.Commun., 1993, 1133-1134(1993).
  37. M.Ishikawa, T.Nakamura, M.Morita, Y.Matsuda and M.Kawaguchi: “Electrochemical Behavior of BC10N and BC10N-Li0.44 as Negative Electrode Matrices for Secondary Lithium Batteries” Denki Kagaku, 62(9), 897-899(1994).
  38. S.Motojima, I.Hasegawa, S.Kagiya, S.Asakura, M.Kawaguchi and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation and Properties of Coiled Carbon Fibers by the Catalytic Pyrolysis of Acetylene” Journal de Physique, 3, p.599-606(1993).
  39. M.Ishikawa, M.Morita, T.Hanada, Y.Matsuda and M.Kawaguchi: “Behavior of BC2N Treated under Various Temperatures as a Negative Electrode Matrix for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries” Denki Kagaku, 61(12), 1395-1402(1993).
  40. M.Kawaguchi, T.Kawashima and T.Nakajima: “Synthesis of a New Graphite-like Material of Composition BCXN(x=3 and 7) as an Electrode Matrix” Denki Kagaku, 61(12), 1403-1408(1993).
  41. Y.Matsuda, M.Morita, T.Hanada and M.Kawaguchi: “A New Negative Electrode Matrix, BC2N, for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries” J.Power Sources, 43-44, 75-80(1993).
  42. S.Motojima, H.Hasegawa, S.Kagiya, M.Momiyama, M.Kawaguchi and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation of Coiled Carbon Fibers by Pyrolysis of Acetylene Using a Ni Catalyst and Sulfur or Phosphorus Compound Impurity” Appl.Phys.Lett., 62, 2322-2323(1993).
  43. S.Motojima, I.Hasegawa, M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation of Coiled Fibers of Carbon, Graphite and TiC by Chemical Vapor Deposition” J.Chem.Vap.Dep., 1, 136-156(1992).
  44. M.Morita, T.Hanada, H.Tsutsumi, Y.Matsuda and M.Kawaguchi: “Layered-structure BC2N as a Negative Electrode Matrix for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries” J.Electrochem.Soc., 139(5), 1227-1230(1992).
  45. M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki, S.Motojima and H.Iwanaga: “A Growth Mechanism of Regularly Coiled Carbon Fibers through Acetylene Pyrolysis” J.Crystal Growth, 118, 309-313(1992).
  46. S.Motojima, M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation of Coiled Carbon Fibers by Catalytic Pyrolysis of Acetylene, and Its Morphology and Extention Characteristics” Carbon, 29(3), 379-385(1991).
  47. M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki, Y.Kita and M.Doi: “Photoluminescence Characteristics of BN(C,H) Prepared by Chemical Vapour Deposition” J.Mater.Sci., 26, 3926-3930(1991).
  48. S.Motojima, M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki and H.Iwanaga: “Growth of Regularly Coiled Carbon Filaments by Ni Catalyzed Pyrolysis of Acetylene, and Their Morphology and Extension Characteristics” Appl.Phys.Lett., 56(4), 321-323(1990).
  49. T.Nakajima, K.Nakane, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Preparation, Structure and Electrical Conductivity of Graphite Intercalation Compound with Titanium Fluoride” Carbon, 25(5), 685-689(1987).
  50. H.Takenaka, M.Kawaguchi, M.Lerner and N.Bartlett: “Synthesis and Characterization of Graphite Fluorides by Electrochemical Fluorination in Aqueous and Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride” J.Chem.Soc.,Chem.Commun., 1987, 1431-1432(1987).
  51. T.Nakajima, K.Nakane, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Preparation of Graphite Intercalation Compound of Titanium Fluoride in Fluorine Atmosphere” Chem.Lett., 1986, 1825-1828(1986).
  52. N.Watanabe, T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and A.Izumi: “The Preparation of Poly(dicarbon monofluoride) via the Graphite Intercalation Compound” Bull.Chem.Soc.Japan, 56(2), 455-457(1983).
  53. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Electrical Conductivity and Chemical Bond of Graphite Intercalation Compound with Fluorine and Metal Fluoride” Solid State Ionics, 11, 65-69(1983).
  54. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Graphite Intercalation Compound of Fluorine and Lithium Fluoride”Synthetic Metals, 7, 117-124(1983).
  55. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Electrochemical Behavior of Graphite Intercalation Compounds of Fluorine and Metal Fluorides” Electrochimica Acta, 27(11), 1535-1538(1982).
  56. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Graphite Intercalation Compound of Magnesium Fluoride and Fluorine” Carbon, 20(4), 287-291(1982).
  57. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Ternary Intercalation Compound of Graphite with Aluminum Fluoride and Fluorine” Z.Naturforsch., 36b, 1419-1423(1981).
  58. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Preparation of Graphite Intercalation Compounds of Thiazyl Salts” Bull.Chem.Soc.Japan, 54, 2295-2297(1981).
  59. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Ternary Intercalation Compound of Graphite with Aluminum Fluoride and Fluorine” Chem.Lett., 1981, 1045-1048(1981).

  • 2-2.Review/General remark (The following publications are only those written in English. Publications written in Japanese are excluded.)
  1. Z. T. Gossage, D. Igarashi, Y. Fujii, M. Kawaguchi, R. Tatara, K. Nakamoto, S. Komaba: “New frontiers in alkali metal insertion into carbon electrodes for energy storage”, Chem. Sci., 15, 18272 (2024). DOI: 10.1039/d4sc03203a (2024).
  2. M. Kawaguchi: “Heteroatom-substituted carbon alloys for use in energy conversion and storage systems”, Tanso, No.267, 84-93(2015).
  3. M.Kawaguchi: “B/C/N Materials Based on the Graphite Network” Adv.Mater., 9(8), 615-625(1997)
  4. H.Iwanaga, M.Kawaguchi and S.Motojima: “Growth Mechanisms and Properties of Coiled Whiskers of Silicon Nitride and Carbon” Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 32, 105-115(1993)
  5. M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki, S.Motojima and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation and Characterization of Regularly Coiled Carbon Fibers” Proc.Spec.Sympo.Adv.Mater.Ⅲ, p.102-105(1991)

  • 2-3.University Bulletin (The publications are only those written in Japanese.)

  • 2-4.Proceedings for International Conferences (English)
  1. H.Enomoto, M.Kawaguchi and M.M.Lerner: “Syntheses and Characterizations of Polymer/TaS2 Layered Nanocomposites” Proc.Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, vol.5223, p241-248(2003)
  2. H.Enomoto, M.Kawaguchi, N.Sukpirom, and M.M.Lerner: “Electrical Properties of Polymer/MX2 nanocomposites” Proc.Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, vol.4810, p99-109(2002)
  3. T.Oku and M.Kawaguchi: “Microstructure of CN-based Materials Studied by HREM” Proc.3rd Int.Nano Ceramic Forum and 2nd Int.Symp.Intermaterials, p.258-261(1999).
  4. T.Hirano, T.Oku, M.Kawaguchi and K.Suganuma: “BN Nanocapsules Encaging Semiconductor and Metal Nanoparticles” Proc.3rd Int.Nano Ceramic Forum and 2nd Int.Symp.Intermaterials, p.197-203(1999).
  5. F.Kokai, Y.Koga, Y.Kakudate, M.Kawaguchi, S.Fujiwara and K.Fukuda: “Photoionization Mass Spectrometric Studies on Laser Ablation of a Nitrogen-rich Polymer” Proc.Int.Conf.Lasers'93, p.50-54(1993)
  6. M.Kawaguchi and T.Kawashima: “Basic Thermoelectric Properties for New Graphite-like Materials of Composition BCXN (x=1, 3) Prepared by CVD Method” Proc.12th Int.Conf.Thermoelectrics, p.268-271(1993)
  7. Y.Kakudate, M.Yoshida, S.Usuba, H.Yokoi, S.Fujiwara, M.Kawaguchi, K.Sako, and T.Sawai: “Shock Synthesis of a Hybrid of Diamond and Cubic Boron Nitride” Proc.3rd IUMRS Int.Conf.Adv.Mater., p.1447-1450(1993)
  8. F.Kokai, K.Shimamoto, Y.Koga, Y.Kakudate, S.Fujiwara, M.Kubota, K.Fukuda and M.Kawaguchi: “Production of CnN Clusters by Laser Vaporization of a Nitrogen-rich Polymer” Proc.3rd IUMRS Int.Conf.Adv.Mater., p.289-292(1993)
  9. H.Togashi, Y.Koga, Y.Kakudate, K.Ishikawa, S.Fujiwara, Y.Niwa, M.Kubota, K.Fukuda, F.Kokai, H.Nakagawa, M.Kawaguchi and R.B.Heimann: “Ionic Clusters of Triazine Derivatives Produced by Matrix-assisted N2 Laser Desorption and CO2 Laser Desorption” Proc.3rd IUMRS Int.Conf.Adv.Mater., p.229-232(1993)
  10. M.Morita, T.Hanada, H.Tsutsumi, Y.Matsuda and M.Kawaguchi: “Layered-structure BC2N as a Negative Electrode Matrix for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries” Proc.180th Meet.Electrochem.Soc., p.101-112(1991)
  11. S.Motojima, M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation of Regularly-coiled Ceramic Fibers by CVD and Their Mechanical Properties” Proc.11th Int.Conf.CVD, p.573-579(1990)

  • 3. Conference Activities & Talks
    • 3-1.Invited Talks for International Conferences(After 1994)
  1. M. Kawaguchi,: “Intercalation of group 1 and 2 metals into B/C and B/C/N materials based on the graphite network”, 21st International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds (ISIC21), Nancy, France, June 11-15, 2023 (Invited: Keynote).
  2. M. Kawaguchi: “Heteroatom-substituted Graphitic Carbon Materials for Use in Energy Storage”, International Symposium on Graphitic Carbon Materials for Energy Storage, Himeji, Japan, March 25, 2019 (Invited Lecture).
  3. M. Kawaguchi, S. Sugisaki, Y. Kouge, K. Gotoh: “Electrochemical Behaviors of Lithium Intercalation/de-intercalation into/out-of Boron/carbon Materials as Anodes of LIBs”, Carbon 2018, Madrid, Spain, July 1-6, 2018 (Keynote Lecture).
  4. M. Kawaguchi: “Heteroatom-substituted Carbon Alloys for Use in Energy Storage and Conversion Systems”, 2017 French-Japanese Seminar on Carbon Materials, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France, Oct. 26-27, 2017 (Invited Lecture).
  5. M. Kawaguchi: “Carbon Alloys in Energy Systems” Carbon 2015, Dresden, Germany, July 12-July 17, 2015 (Plenary Lecture).
  6. M.Kawaguchi:“Hetero-atom Substituted Carbon Alloys for Energy Conversion and Storage”, The 4th German-Japanese Joint Symposium on Carbon materials, Hokkaido University, July 7-8, 2014 (Invited Lecture).
  7. M.Kawaguchi, K.Ohnishi, S.Kuroda, Y.Muramatsu:“Intercalation Chemistry and Electronic Structure of Graphite-like Layered Material with Composition BC2N”, Carbon2008, Nagano, Abstract, p47, July 13-18, 2008 (Featured Lecture).
  8. M.Kawaguchi, Y.Imai, N.Kadowaki:“Intercalation Chemistry of B/C/N Materials for Anode of Li ion Battery”, 13th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds, Clermont-Ferrand, France, June 6-9, 2005, K8 (Keynote; Invited).
  9. M.Kawaguchi:“Syntheses and Characteristics of B/C/N Materials based on the Graphite Network”, Seminar at Oregon State University 1995.8.16 Corvalis, Oregon

  • 3-2.Invited Talks for Domestic Conferences(in Japanese)

  • 3-3.Presentation at International Conferences(Extended abstract, or Abstract)(Invited talks have been indicated above: 3-1)
  1. M. Kawaguchi, A. Saito, S. Morita, “Antimicrobial properties of nitrogen-containing carbonaceous materials using photocatalytic action under visible light irradiation”13th International Colloids Conference (O2.5), Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, June 9-12, 2024.
  2. Y. Kouge, M. Kawaguchi, “Electrochemical Characterization of Boron/Carbon Materials as Anodes of Lithium Ion Batteries”, 7th Japanese-German Workshop "Development and Technology of Carbon Materials", Wuerzburg, Germany, Sep. 24-26, 2019.
  3. M. Kawaguchi, K. Yamada, K. Gotoh: “Electrochemical Intercalation of Sodium into B/C/N and B/C Materials as Anodes of Sodium Ion Batteries”, 7th International Conference on Carbon for Energy Storage and Environment Protection (CESEP’17), Abstracts OLi1 (p.145), Université Lumière-Lyon-II, Lyon, France, Oct. 23-26, 2017.
  4. M. Kawaguchi, H. Higuchi, H. Ishikawa: “Intercalation of Calcium into Boron/Carbon Materials Based on the Graphite Network”, 19th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds (ISIC19), Abstracts 4O9 (p.108), Hotel Domus Pacis Assisi, Assisi, Italy, May 28-June 1, 2017.
  5. H. Ishikawa、M. Kawaguchi, M. Fauchard, S. Cahen, C. Hérold, P. Berger: “Intercalation of Calcium into Boron/carbon/nitrogen Materials Based on the Graphite Network by Liquid Alloy Method”, 19th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds, Abstracts 5P3 (p.132), Hotel Domus Pacis Assisi, Assisi, Italy, May 28-June 1, 2017.
  6. M. Awai、M. Kawaguchi : “Preparation of B/C and B/C/N Nanosheets Using CVD Method”, Carbon 2017, Poster Number 386, Melbourne Convention Centre, Victoria, Australia, July23-July 28, 2017.
  7. T. Kitai, M. Kawaguchi : “Electrochemical Properties of HF-treated Boron/carbon/nitrogen Materials as Anodes of LIBS”, Carbon 2017, Poster Number 473, Melbourne Convention Centre, Victoria, Australia, July 23-July 28, 2017.
  8. S. Sugisaki, M. Kawaguchi : “Electrochemical Properties of Boron/carbon Materials as Anodes of LIBS”, Carbon2017, Poster Number 569, Melbourne Convention Centre, Victoria, Australia, July 23-28, 2017.
  9. H. Ishikawa, M. Kawaguchi, Y. Muramatsu : “Electronic State of B/C/N Materials Analyzed by Soft X-ray Spectroscopy and First-principles Calculation”, The 6th German-Japanese Joint Symposium on Carbon Materials, Abstracts p.10, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Osaka, Japan, November 9-11, 2017.
  10. M. Kawaguchi, K. Yamada and T. Kitai: “Electrochemical Properties of HF-Treated B/C/N Materials as The Anode of Lithium-ion Batteries” “CARBON 2016”, O1-2, Pennsylvania, USA, July 10-15, 2016.
  11. H. Ishikawa, M. Kawaguchi, H. Enomoto, and Y. Muramatsu : “Relation Among Composition, Crystallinity and Specific Resistance of B/C/N Materials” “CARBON 2016”, P2-72, Pennsylvania, USA, July 10-15, 2016.
  12. H. Ishikawa, M. Kawaguchi, M. Fauchard, S. Cahen, C. Hérold: “Intercalation of calcium into Boron/carbon/nitrogen Materials Based on the Graphite Network” 2016 Japanese – French Seminar on Carbon Materials, Abstract p12, Neyagawa, Japan, September 9-10, 2016.
  13. H. Ishikawa, M. Kawaguchi, M. Fauchard, S. Cahen, C. Hèrold: “Intercalation of Magnesium into Boron/carbon/nitrogen Materials Based on the Graphite Network” 5th German- Japan Joint Symposium “Development and Technology of Carbon Materials”, Abstract p25, Freiberg, Germany, July 20-21, 2015.
  14. M. Kawaguchi, K. Yamada, C. Kamiwaki, H. Ishikawa: “The Role of Boron in Boron/carbon Materials as Anodes of Lithium and Sodium Ion Batteries” Carbon 2015, Abstracts: Lectures p130, Dresden, Germany, July 12-July 17, 2015.
  15. H. Ishikawa, M. Kawaguchi: “Intercalation of Magnesium and Calcium into Boron/carbon/nitrogen Materials Based on the Graphite Network by Using Vapor Phase Reaction” Carbon 2015, Abstracts: Posters p271, Dresden, Germany, July 12-July 17, 2015.
  16. M. Kawaguchi, Y. Ishida:“Photo Catalytic Properties of Carbonaceous Material Containing Nitrogen and Its Mechanism” Carbon 2014, Ex.Abstract ORT6-22, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2014.
  17. H. Ishikawa, M. Kawaguchi, M. Fauchard, S. Cahen, C. Hèrold, A. Nakasuga, S. Nozato, T. Wada, A. Fujiwara:“Intercalation of Calcium into a Graphite-Like Layered Material of Composition BCXN (2 < x < 4)” Carbon 2014, Ex.Abstract POT3-87, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2014.
  18. C. Kamiwaki, M. Kawaguchi:“Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of Boron/carbon Material as an Anode of Sodium Ion Batteries” Carbon 2014, Ex.Abstract POT6-48, Jeju, Korea, June 29-July 4, 2014.
  19. M. Kawaguchi, H. Ishikawa, M. Fauchard, S. Cahen, C. Hérold: “Intercalation of Ca and Mg into B/C/N Materials by Using Liquid Alloys” The 40th Ann. Meet. Carbon Soc. Jpn, Int. Session of Nano Carbon, Kyoto, Japan, December 3-5, 2013.
  20. Y. Tsujiai, M. Kawaguchi, N. Ohno, Y. Muramatsu: “Preparation and Characterization of Diamond-like Thin Film Containing Boron” Int. Conf. on Diamond and Carbon Materials 2013 Abstract P1.060, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 2-5, 2013.
  21. M. Kawaguchi, Y. Ishida: “Photo Catalytic Behavior of Carbonaceous Material Containing Nitrogen” Carbon2013, Ex. Abstract No.113, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 14 -19, 2013.
  22. Y. Ishida, M. Kawaguchi: “Photo Catalytic Behavior of Carbonaceous Material Prepared from Chitin” Carbon2013, Ex. Abstract No.147, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 14 -19, 2013.
  23. T. Kaseda, M. Kawaguchi: “Preparation and Electrochemical Characterization of Boron/Carbon Material as an Anode of Sodium Ion Battery” Carbon2013, Ex. Abstract No.123, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 14-19, 2013.
  24. M. Kawaguchi, H. Ishikawa, H. Enomoto, Y. Muramatsu: “Preparation and Properties of Magnesium Intercalated BC2N” ISIC17, O-14, Sendai, Japan, May 12-16, 2013.
  25. T. Kaseda, M. Kawaguchi: “Intercalation of Lithium and Sodium into Boron/carbon Material by Electrochemical Method” ISIC17, PII-68, Sendai, Japan, May 12-16, 2013.
  26. K. Yamada, M. Kawaguchi: “Intercalation of Sodium into Graphite-like Layered Material BC2N by Electrochemical Method”, ISIC17, PII-67, Sendai, Japan, May.12-16, 2013.
  27. T.Hirai, M.Kawaguchi, N.Ohno, Y.Muramatsu: “Preparation and characterization of boron/carbon and boron/nitrogen materials with the diamond structure”, E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-21, 2012
  28. Y.Nagase, M.Kawaguchi: “Characterization of carbon/nitrogen materials as the electric double layer capacitor in an organic electrolyte, E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, September 17-21, 2012
  29. M.Kawaguchi, K.Yamada: “Intercalations of sodium and magnesium into graphite-like layered material BC2N” 3rd German-Japanese Joint Symposium, Seminaris Campushotel Berlin, Germany, June 25-26, 2012.
  30. M.Kawaguchi, K.Yamada: “Electrochemical properties of graphite-like layered material BC2N as an anode of sodium ion batteries” Carbon2012, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakaw, Poland, June 17-22, 2012.
  31. K.Yamada, M.Kawaguchi: “Effect of electrolytes on intercalation of sodium into BC2N by electrochemical method” Carbon2012, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakaw, Poland, June 17-22, 2012.
  32. Masayuki Kawaguchi, Kaoru Yamada, Akihiro Kurasaki, “Intercalation of Magnesium into B/C/N materials based on the graphite network” Carbon2011, China East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, July 24-29, 2011.
  33. Akihiro Kurasaki, Masayuki Kawaguchi: “Intercalation of Magnesium into Graphite-like Layered Material of Composition BC2N by Vapor Phase Reaction” Carbon2011, China East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, July 24-29, 2011.
  34. Y.Ashida, T.Hirai, M.Kawaguchi, N.Ohno, “Preparation of diamond thin film containing boron and nitrogen by hot-filament CVD method ” DIAMOND2011, Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 4-8, 2011.
  35. A.Kurasaki, K.Yamada, M.Kawaguchi: “Intercalation of Sodium into Graphite-like Layered Material of Composition BC2N”, The 2nd Japanese-German Symposium on Carbon Materials, Tokyo, Abstract, Sep.21, 2010.
  36. M.Kawaguchi, K.Yamada: “Characterization of Graphite-like Layered Material BC2N by X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy” Pacifichem2010, Honolulu, Abstract, Dec.15-20, 2010.
  37. Y.Ishimaru, Y.Ashida, M.Kawaguchi, N.Ohno: “Preparation of diamond-like B/C film by hot filament CVD method”, Pacifichem2010, Honolulu, Abstract, Dec.15-20, 2010.
  38. H.Mimura, M.Kawaguchi, H.Enomoto: “Solubility of Carbonaceous Materials Containing Nitrogen” Pacifichem2010, Honolulu, Abstract, Dec.15-20, 2010.
  39. K.Yamada, M.Kawaguchi: “Intercalation of Sodium into Graphite-like Layered Material BC2N and Non-crystalline carbon by Electrochemical Method”, Pacifichem2010, Honolulu, Abstract, Dec.15-20, 2010.
  40. M.Kawaguchi, K.Ohnishi, K.Yamada: “Intercalation of Alkali Metals into Graphite-like Layered Material BC2N”, Carbon2009, Biarritz, France, June14-19, 2009.
  41. H.Yamamoto, K.Ohnishi, M.Kawaguchi, Y.Muramatsu: “Electronic Structure of Graphute-like Layered Material with a Composition of BC2N”, Carbon2009, Biarritz, France, June14-19, 2009.
  42. Y.Hayashi, Y.Yano, M.Kawaguchi, “Electrochemical Capacitive Performances of C/N MaterialsPrepared by Pyrolysis of Organic Molecular Crystals” PRiME2008 Meeting Abstract(CD-ROM),A1-136, Hawaii, (Oct.2008).
  43. Y.Taniguchi, M.Kawaguchi, “Preparation of Ti/O/C/N Materials by CVD Method and Their Photo-Electrochemical Characteristics”,PRiME2008 Meeting Abstract(CD-ROM), A1-163, Hawaii, (Oct.2008).
  44. N.Fukui, J.Maruyama, M.Kawaguchi, I.Abe: “Fuel Cell Cathode Catalyst Formed Using a RawMaterial for Phthalocyanine Synthesis”, PRiME2008: Joint International Meeting, Hawaii, (Oct.2008).
  45. H.Yamamoto, K.Ohnishi, M.Kawaguchi, Y.Muramatsu: “Electronic Structure of Graphite-like Layered Material with a Composition of BC2N”, The 5th International Workshop on DV-Xa & The 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for DV-Xa, University of Hyogo, Himeji, Japan, Abstract, p32, August 6-8, 2008.
  46. M.Kawaguchi, K.Ohnishi, S.Kuroda, Y.Muramatsu: “Intercalation Chemistry and Electronic Structure of Graphite-like Layered Material with Composition BC2N”, Carbon2008, Nagano, Abstract, p47, July 13-18, 2008.
  47. O.Drozdova, J.Ye, M.Kawaguchi: “Correlations between Chemical Structure, Porosity and High Capacitance of AMN Materials”, Carbon2008, Nagano, Abstract, p30, July 13-18, 2008.
  48. J.Maruyama, N.Fukui, M.Kawaguchi, I.Abe: “Application lf Nitrogen-Rich Amino Acids to Active Site Generation in Oxygen Reduction Catalyst”, Carbon2008, Nagano, Abstract, p48, July 13-18, 2008.
  49. Y.Taniguchi, D.Imai, M.Kawaguchi: “Preparation of Ti/O/C/N Materials by Chemical Vapor Deposition Method and Their Photo-electrochemical Characteristics”, Carbon2008, Nagano, Abstract, p31, July 13-18, 2008.
  50. Y.Hayashi, Y.Yano, M.Kawaguchi: “Influence of the Electrolyte on Capacitive Properties of the C/N Materials Prepared by Pyrolysis of Organic Molecular Crystals”, Carbon2008, Nagano, Abstract, p58, July 13-18, 2008.
  51. K.Ohnishi, M.Kawaguchi: “Intercalation of Potassium into Graphite-like Layered Material of Composition BC2N”, Carbon2008, Nagano, Abstract, p60, July 13-18, 2008.
  52. N.Fukui, J.Maruyama, M.Kawaguchi, I.Abe: “Formation of Cathodic Oxygen Reduction Catalyst with FeNx Active Site Using a Raw Material for Phthalocyanine Synthesis”, Carbon2008, Nagano, Abstract, p65, July 13-18, 2008.
  53. H.Yamamoto, K.Ohnishi, M.Kawaguchi, Y.Muramatsu: “Electronic structure of graphite-like layered material with a composition of BC2N”, The 5th International Workshop on DV-Xa & The 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for DV-Xa Japan.
  54. S.Kuroda, M.Kawaguchi: “Preparation of graphite-like layered B/C/N thin film on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite”, 234th American chemical society national meeting & exposition, Boston, MA, August, 19-23, 2007.
  55. D.Imai, M.Kawaguchi: “Preparation and photo-electrochemical characterization of TiO2 containing nitrogen and carbon”, 234th American chemical society national meeting & exposition, Boston, MA, August, 19-23, 2007.
  56. K.Miura, M.Kawaguchi: “Electrochemical capacitive performances of Boron/Carbon materials”, Carbon 2007, Seattle, Abstract, p259, July 15-20, 2007.
  57. M.Kawaguchi, Y.Imai, S.Kuroda, Y.Muramatu: “Intercalation chemistry and electronic structure of materials with compositions BCXN (X≦6) based on the graphite network”, 14th international symposium on intercalation compounds, Seoul, Korea, Abstract, p20, June 12-15, 2007.
  58. Y.Nakagawa, M.Kawaguchi, S.Kuroda: “Preparation of B/C/N thin films on Ni(111) and Cu(111) single crystal substrates by LPCVD method”, The 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abstract, PRES 53, 09.10(2006).
  59. Y.Imai, M.Kawaguchi: “Electrochemical intercalation of Li into B/C/N materials”, The 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abstract, PRES 41, 09.10(2006).
  60. M.Kawaguchi, S.Yagi, T.Yamanaka, H.Ito: “Electric double layer capacitances of carbonaceousmaterials containing nitrogen prepared by pyrolysis of organic precursors”, The 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abstract, PRES 39, 09.10(2006).
  61. T.Yamanaka, M.Kawaguchi, S.Yagi, H.Ito, “Electric double layer capacitances of carbonaceous materials containing nitrogen prepared from diaminomaleonitrile”, Carbon’06, Aberdeen, Ext.Abstract, P287(CD-ROM), 07.20(2006).
  62. M.Kawaguchi, S.Yagi, T.Yamanaka, H.Ito: “Electric double layer capacitances of carbonaceousmaterials containing nitrogen prepared from nitrogen-rich organic precursors”, Carbon’06, Aberdeen, Ext.Abstract, 3B3(CD-ROM), 07.17(2006).
  63. T.Yamamoto, M.Kawaguchi: “Preparation of B/C/N thin films on Cu(111) and Ni(111) single crystal substrates by LPCVD”, Pacifichem 2005, Honolulu, Abstract, Materials Chemistry & Nanotechnology 1040, 12.18(2005).
  64. Y.Negoro, M. Kawaguchi: “Preparation and photo-electrochemical properties of Ti/O/C/N materials prepared from natural resources”, Pacifichem 2005, Honolulu, Abstract, Analytical Chemistry 733, 12.18(2005).
  65. M.Kawaguchi, Y.Imai, N.Kadowaki, “Intercalation Chemistry of B/C/N Materials for Anode ofLi ion Battery”, 13th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds (Clermont-Ferrand,France, June 6-9, 2005), K8 (Keynote; Invited).
  66. S.Yagi, M.Kawaguchi, T.yamanaka, H.Ito: “The effect of electrolyte on electric double layer capacitance of nitrogen-rich C/N material”, Carbon’05, Gyeongju, Ext.Abstract, P02-03(CD-ROM), 07.05(2005).
  67. N.Kadowaki, M.Kawaguchi, "The air oxidation of graphite-like layered material BC6N" Carbon’05, Gyeongju, Ext.Abstract, P06-05(CD-ROM), 07.04(2005).
  68. Y.Wakukawa, M.Kawaguchi, K.Kitamura, and M.Kawamoto: “Electrochemical Intercalation of Li into Graphite-like Layered Material BC6N” 2004 Joint Int.Meet., Honolulu, Abstract, 0622(CD-ROM), 10.07(2004)
  69. S.Yagi, M.Kawaguchi, and H.Ito: “Electric Double Layer Capacitance of Nitrogen-rich C/N Material” 2004 Joint Int.Meet., Honolulu, Abstract, 0023(CD-ROM), 10.04(2004)
  70. M.Kusano, M.Kawaguchi, and Y.Wakukawa: “Preparation and Photo-electrochemical Properties of Quaternary Ti-O-C-N Materials” 2004 Joint Int.Meet., Honolulu, Abstract, 0030(CD-ROM), 10.04(2004)
  71. M.Kawaguchi, A.Itoh, S.Yagi, H.Ito, and H.Oda: “Preparation and Characterization of Nitrogen-rich C/N Material as Electrochemical Capacitor” 2004 Joint Int.Meet., Honolulu, Abstract, 0678(CD-ROM), 10.08(2004)
  72. K.Kitamura and M.Kawaguchi: “Electrochemical Characterization of B/C/N Materials in Organic Electrolyte” Carbon’03, Oviedo, Ext.Abstract, p.208 2.14(2003)
  73. M.Kawamoto, M.Kawaguchi, W.Matsumoto and H.Kanazawa: “Crystallinity and Chemical Bonds of B/C/N Thick Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition” Carbon’03, Oviedo, Ext.Abstract, p.146 3.4(2003)
  74. Y.Okamoto, M.Kawaguchi and T.Kawano: “Chemical Bonds and Compositions for B/C/N Thin Films Prepared by LPCVD Method” Carbon’03, Oviedo, Ext.Abstract, p.146 3.3(2003)
  75. A.Ito, M.Kawaguchi, K.Shibuya, H.Oda and H.Itoh: “Preparation and Adsorption Characteristics of Nitrogen-rich C/N material” Carbon’02, Beijing, Ext.Abstract(CD-ROM) D014(2002)
  76. T.Kawano, M.Kawaguchi, Y.Okamoto, Y.Utsunomiya and H.Enomoto: “Preparation of layered B/C/N thin films on nickel single crystal by LPCVD” Carbon’02, Beijing, Ext.Abstract(CD-ROM) F006(2002)
  77. M.Kawaguchi, S.Yagi, K.Nakajima and H.Enomoto: “Preparation of carbon nitride from ammonia-carbon tetrachloride system by CVD method” Carbon’02, Beijing, Ext.Abstract(CD-ROM) F007(2002)
  78. M.Kawaguchi, T.Kawano, N.Nakamoto and A.Itoh: “Environmentally Conscious Layered Materials and Their Potential Applications” Proc.Commem.Int.Symp.“The 40th Ann.Found.Osaka Electro-Commun.Univ.”, Osaka, vol.1/2, p11-21(2001)
  79. M.Kawaguchi, H.Gotoh, K.Nazaki and T.Oku: “Characterization of A New Solid Composed of Carbon and Nitrogen” 4th International Symposium on InterMaterials, Osaka, Abstract, (2001)
  80. N.Nakamoto, H.Bando, T.Kawano, H.Enomoto and M.Kawaguchi: “Formation and Electrical Characterization of Graphite-like Layered B/C/N Films” Pacifichem 2000, Honolulu, Abstract, Inorganic 1272(2000)
  81. H.Bando, N.Nakamoto, T.Kawano, H.Enomoto and M.Kawaguchi: “Synthesis of B/C/N Thin Films on Graphite-like Layered substrates at high temperature by LPCVD” Pacifichem 2000, Honolulu, Abstract, Inorganic 1619(2000)
  82. M.Kawaguchi: “Fluorine Doped Barium Titanate Ceramics” Pacifichem 2000, Honolulu, Abstract, Inorganic 1174(2000)
  83. T.Kawano, N.Nakamoto, H.Enomoto and M.Kawaguchi: “Synthesis of B/C/N Thin Films Based on the Graphite Network by LPCVD at High Temperature” EUROCARBON2000, Berlin, Ex.Abstracts vol.Ⅱ, p837-838(2000)
  84. M.Kawaguchi, H.Gotoh and K.Nozaki: “Synthesis of A New Solid Phase Composed of Carbon and Nitrogen by CVD Method” EUROCARBON2000, Berlin, Ex.Abstracts vol.Ⅱ, p1042-1042(2000)
  85. M.Kawaguchi and Y.Wakukawa: “Electrochemical Intercalation of Lithium or Perchlorate Ion into Graphite-like Layered Material of BC6N” 10th Int.Symp.Intercalation Compounds, Okazaki, Abstracts, p157(1999)
  86. M.Kawaguchi and Y.Wakukawa: “Electrochemical Intercalation of Lithium into Graphite-like Materials of BC6N and BC3N” Post Symp.Carbon ’98, Kyoto, Ex.Abstracts, p35-36(1998)
  87. M.Kawaguchi and K.Hatani: “Synthesis of a New B/C/N Material via Triazine Compound”
  88. Int.Symp.Carbon ‘98, Ex.Abstracts, p662-663(1998)
  89. M.Kawaguchi, Y.Wakukawa and H.Nakamura: “Electronic Structure of BC6N and its Intercalation Behavior” Int.Symp.Carbon ‘98, Ex.Abstracts, p668-669(1998)
  90. M.Kawaguchi, R.Morishita and T.Daito: “A New Synthetic Approach to Carbon Nitride” Int.Symp.Carbon ‘98, Ex.Abstracts, p330-331(1998)
  91. M.Kawaguchi and T.Takada: “Spectroscopic Characterization of Carbon Oxynitride” EUROCARBON’98, Strasburg, Ex.Abstracts vol.Ⅱ, p697-698(1998)
  92. K.Hatani, R.Morishita and M.Kawaguchi: “Preparation of B/C/N Materials via Lewis Acid-base Adduct (CH2CHCN)y:BX3(X=F,Cl,Br)” EUROCARBON’98, Strasburg, Ex.Abstracts vol.Ⅱ, p891-892(1998)
  93. Y.Wakukawa, T.Ogo, N.Akinaga and M.Kawaguchi: “Preparation of Graphite Like B/C/N Materials by High Temperature CVD Method” EUROCARBON’98, Strasburg, Ex.Abstracts vol.Ⅱ, p889-890(1998)
  94. M.Kawaguchi and H.Hatani: “Preparation and Pyrolysis of Adduct (CH2CHCN)a:(BX3)b {X=F or Cl} 15th Int.Symp.Fluorine Chemistry, Vancouver, Abstracts Ad.Mat.C-1(1997)
  95. M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki, Y.Kaburagi and Y.Hishiyama: “Synthesis and Properties of a New Carbon/Nitrogen Material of Composition C3N3.6-4.5O1.1-1.2H4.1-4.2” 23rd Biennial Conf.Carbon, Penn State, Ex.Abstracts vol.Ⅰ, p470-471(1997)
  96. M.Kawaguchi, A.Sugiyama, Y.Wakukawa, K.Tatsumi and H.Shioyama: “Synthesis of a New Graphite-like Material of Composition BC6N2(H) and the Structure of its Precursor” 23rd Biennial Conf.Carbon, Penn State, Ex.Abstracts vol.Ⅰ, p482-483(1997)
  97. M.Kawaguchi: “Syntheses of Graphite-like Materials of Composition BC3N and BC6N2” 210th Am.Chem.Soc.Nat.Meet., Chicago, Inor.No.1(1995)
  98. Y.Matsuda, M.Morita, T.Hanada and M.Kawaguchi “A New Negative Electrode Matrix, BC2N, for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries” 6th Int.Meet.Lithium Batteries, Munster, Ex.Abstract, p30-32(1992)
  99. K.Nozaki, M.Kawaguchi, S.Motojima and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation and Characterization of Regularly Coiled Carbon Fibers” Int.Symp.Fine Ceramics Arita 1991, p182-183(1991)
  100. S.Motojima, I.Hasegawa, M.Kawaguchi and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation and Properties of Coiled Carbon Fibers by CVD” 8th Euro CVD, p30(1991)
  101. M.Kawaguchi, K.Nozaki, S.Motojima and H.Iwanaga: “Preparation and Characterization of Regularly Coiled Carbon Fibers” Int.Symp.Carbon 1990, Tsukuba, Ex.Abstract, p.778-781(1990)
  102. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Graphite Intercalation Compounds of Fluorine with Metal Fluorides” 1st Int.Symp.Molten Salt Chem.Tech., p7(1983)
  103. T.Nakajima, M.Kawaguchi and N.Watanabe: “Preparation and Discharge Characteristics of Graphite Intercalation Compounds, CxF(AlF3)y and CxF(MgF2)y” Int.Symp.Carbon 1982, Toyohashi, Ex.Abstract, p.481-484(1982)

  • 3-4.Presentation at Domestic Conferences (The following presentations are only those presented in English. Presentations made by using Japanese are excluded.)
  1. Masayuki Kawaguchi, Kazuki Miyake, Hiryu Murakami, Akiko Saito, Shigeaki Morita: "Antimicrobial property evaluation using photocatalytic action of carbonaceous materials containing nitrogen" The 104th CSJ Annual Meeting (2024) Oral B (Nihon University, Funabashi Campus, March 18-21, 2024)

  • 4. External funds, patents, copyrights, etc.

Kakenhi(JSPS): MK applied as a representative, and so far five types of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research have been selected.

  • 5. Activities in academic societies (Main contributions)
  1. 2006-2008: Editor-in-Chief, Tanso, The Carbon Society of Japan
  2. 2012-2013: Steering Committee Chair, The Carbon Society of Japan
  3. 2005-2014: Chairman, The Society of Graphite Compounds
  4. 2014-2020: Chairman, The 117 Committee of Carbon Materials, JSPS
  5. 2013-present: Councilor, CPC Society
  6. 2015-present: Councilor, KONDO-ZAIDAN
  7. 2014-present: Councilor (Adviser), The Carbon Society of Japan
  8. 2019-present: External Evaluation Committee Member of 'Research Initiative for Supra-Materials' in "Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research", Shinshu University


  • Contribution in the local community

  • Committee members, officers, etc. in public institutions
    Activities in academic societies (Experienced under societies)
  1. 2006-2008: Editor-in-Chief, Tanso, The Carbon Society of Japan
  2. 2012-2013: Steering Committee Chair, The Carbon Society of Japan
  3. 2005-2014: Chairman, The Society of Graphite Compounds
  4. 2014-2020: Chairman, The 117 Committee of Carbon Materials, JSPS
  5. 2013-present: Councilor, CPC Society
  6. 2015-present: Councilor, KONDO-ZAIDAN
  7. 2014-present: Councilor (Adviser), The Carbon Society of Japan
  8. 2019-present: External Evaluation Committee Member of 'Research Initiative for Supra-Materials' in "Interdisciplinary Cluster for Cutting Edge Research", Shinshu University

  • Organization management such as academic societies
    See above

  • Disaster relief activities in Japan and overseas

  • Other

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