Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >早坂 昇
Department of Engineering Informatics
- Basic information
- Organization management
- Educational activities
- Research activities
- Social contributions
- Department
Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Department of Engineering Informatics
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Information and Computer Sciences
- Specialized field
Speech signal processing
- Research theme
Research and development of speech signal processing system
- Career
- Educational background
2002 Bachelor of Engineering, Hokkaido University
2004 Master of Engineering, Hokkaido University
2007 Doctor of Information Science, Hokkaido University - Work history
2004-2007 Part-time Lecturer, Hokkaido University of Science
2004-2007 Part-time Lecturer, Hokkaido High-Technology College
2004-2007 Research Assistant, Hokkaido University
2007-2010 Researcher, Raytron Inc.
2010-2013 Assistant professor, Osaka University
2013-2015 Guest Lecturer, Osaka University
2013-2018 Lecturer, Osaka Electro-Communication University
2018- Associate Professor, Osaka Electro-Communication University
- Educational background
- Degree, etc.
Doctor of Information Science
- Awards, etc.
International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, Excellent Presentation Award
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers System Integration 2002(SI2002), Best Session Award
- Academic societies
- Department
Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Department of Engineering Informatics
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Information and Computer Sciences
- Department / Faculty Management
- Activities within the university, such as committees, centers, and research institutes
2019- Steering Committee Member of ICT Social Education Center
2018- Committee Member of Academic Affairs
2018- Committee Member of Teacher-training Course
2017- Steering Committee Member of MC2
2013-2018 Committee Member of Library
- Collaboration activities with industry, government, and academia
- External activities
- Other
- Department
Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Department of Engineering Informatics
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Information and Computer Sciences
- Undergraduate education (lectures)
Introductory Programming Exercises 1
Fundamental Programming Exercises 1
Logic Circuits 1
Logic Circuits 2
Experiments on Engineering Informatics 1
Speech & Language Processing
- Graduate education (lecture)
Patten Recognition and Understanding
- Teaching thesis
- Undergraduate student:13
- Master's student:1
- Doctoral student:0
Teaching portfolio
- Posture for class
I would like to use the demonstration program to help students understand the essence. - Self-evaluation of educational activities
I always teach with enthusiasm. - Training activities to improve classes
I have adopted the good teaching methods of other professor. - Active learning
At the preliminary seminar, as part of group work, students have developed applications for smart phones. - Outline of main course subjects and achievement targets
Introductory Programming Exercises 1:Students acquire basic programming skills of C. - Level of achievement against specific goals
I believe that goals of each lecture have been achieved from the results of the questionnaire. - Responding to requests from students
I would like to actively introduce the requests from students.
- Department
Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Department of Engineering Informatics
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Information and Computer Sciences
- Academic papers
- Ayako Kitada, Takuya Futagami and Noboru Hayasaka, "Food region extraction based on saliency detection model," Trans. of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, vol.34, no.12, December 2021.
- Ayako Kitada, Takuya Futagami and Noboru Hayasaka, "Improvement of food region extraction based on prior knowledge and comparative evaluation using actual images," IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, vol.141, no.11, pp.1197-1204, November 2021(in Japanese).
- Takuya Futagami and Noboru Hayasaka,"Experimental evaluation of occupancy lighting control based on low-power image-based motion sensor," SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, vol.14, issue 1, pp.268-278, October 2021.
- Takuya Futagami, Noboru Hayasaka, Ittetsu Taniguchi and Takao Onoye,"Experimental evaluation of reduction technique for time delay of turning off light to occupancy lighting control," IEEJ Trans. on Electronics, Information and Systems, vol.16, no.2, pp.265-274, February 2021.
- Masakazu Iwai, Takuya Futagami, Noboru Hayasaka and Takao Onoye, "Acceleration of Automatic Building Extraction via Color-Clustering Analysis," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E103-A, no.12, pp.1599-1602, December 2020.
- Naoto Sasaoka, Eiji Akamatsu, Arata Kawamura, Noboru Hayasaka and Yoshio Itoh, "4th order moment-based linear prediction for estimating ringing sound of impulsive noise in speech enhancement," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E103-A, no.10, pp.1248-1251, October 2020.
- Takuya Futagami and Noboru Hayasaka, "Automatic product region extraction based on analysis of images uploaded to C2C online market," Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, vol.30, issue4, pp.323-334, July 2020.
- Takuya Futagami,Noboru Hayasaka,Takao Onoye,"Evaluation for energy savings in occupancy lighting control using vision-based motion sensor," Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers,vol.33, no.4, pp.139-148, May 2020(in Japanese).
- Takuya Futagami, Noboru Hayasaka and Takao Onoye,"Fast and robust building extraction based on HSV color analysis using color segmentation and GrabCut," SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, vol.13, issue 3, pp.97-106, May 2020.
- Takuya Futagami and Noboru Hayasaka,"Automatic building extraction based on analysis of color cluster," Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers,vol.32, no.9, pp.349-356, Sep. 2019(in Japanese).
- Noboru Hayasaka, Arata Kawamura, and Naoto Sasaoka, "Noise-robust scream detection using band-limited spectral entropy," AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol.76, pp.117-124, June 2017.
- Arata Kawamura, Noboru Hayasaka, and Naoto Sasaoka, "Impact and high-pitch noise suppression based on spectral entropy," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E99-A, no.4, pp.777-787, April 2016.
- Noboru Hayasaka, "Robust speech recognition against misdetection using whole-word HMMs and relaxed algorithm for likelihood calculation," IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, vol.135, no.10, pp.1236-1243, October 2015(in Japanese).
- Noboru Hayasaka, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Experimental evaluation of noise robustness for extended whole-word model with multi-condition training," IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, vol.132, no.10, pp.1667-1674, October 2012(in Japanese).
- Noboru Hayasaka, "Isolated word recognition based on combination of multiple noise-robust techniques," ECTI Trans. on Computer and Information Technology, vol.6, no.1, pp.80-87, May 2012.
- Xin Xu, Noboru Hayasaka, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Robust speech spectra restoration against unspecific noise conditions for pitch detection," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E91-A, no.3, pp.775-781, March 2008.
- Kham Khankhavivone, Noboru Hayasaka, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, and Kraisin Songwatana, "Low-cost running spectrum filter for speech recognition using modified frequency response masking technique," Journal of Signal Processing, vol.11, no.3, pp.227-236, May 2007.
- Noboru Hayasaka, Shingo Yoshizawa, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Robust isolated word speech recognition with spectral domain filtering
based on the estimated SNR," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.J89-D, no.10, pp.2296-2304, October 2006(in Japanese). - Shingo Yoshizawa, Naoya Wada, Noboru Hayasaka, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Scalable architecture for word HMM-based speech recognition and VLSI implementation in complete system," IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems-I, vol.53, no.1, pp.70-77, January 2006.
- Shingo Yoshizawa, Noboru Hayasaka, Naoya Wada, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "VLSI architecture for robust speech recognition systems and its implementation in verification platform," Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol.17, no.4, pp.447-455, August 2005.
- Naoya Wada, Shingo Yoshizawa, Noboru Hayasaka, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Robust speech feature extraction using RSF/DRA and burst noise skipping," ECTI Trans. on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, vol.3, no.2, pp.100-107, August 2005.
- Noboru Hayasaka, Shingo Yoshizawa, Naoya Wada, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, Nobuo Hataoka, ``A Study of Robust Speech Recognition System and Its LSI Design,'' Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, vol.41, no.5, pp.473-480, May 2005(in Japanese).
- Kazuma Fujioka, Noboru Hayasaka, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, Norinobu Yoshida, "A noise reduction method of speech signals using running spectrum filtering," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.J88-D2, no.4, pp.695-703, April 2005(in Japanese).
- Shingo Yoshizawa, Noboru Hayasaka, Naoya Wada, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Cepstral amplitude range normalization for noise robust speech recognition," IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., vol.E87-D, no.8, pp.2130-2137, August 2004.
- Proceedings
- Riku Kasai, Noboru Hayasaka, Takuya Futagami, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Scream enhancement using Wave-U-Net," Int'l Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA), pp.5-8, Sep. 2021.
- Takuya Futagami and Noboru Hayasaka, "Experimental evaluation of saliency detection model for product region prediction," Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2021, pp.1285-1290, Sep. 2021.
- Takuya Futagami, Noboru Hayasaka, and Takao Onoye, "Performance comparison of saliency detection methods for food region extraction," Proceedings of the 2020 The 4th International Conference on Graphics and Signal Processing, pp.1–4, June 2020.
- Takuya Futagami and Noboru Hayasaka, "Automatic extraction of building regions by using color clustering," Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2019, pp.415-419, Sep. 2019.
- Riku Takanashi, Tatsuya Nakagoshi, Noboru Hayasaka, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, and Hiroshi Tsutsui, "Voice activity detection using running spectrum analysis for noise robust speech recognition," Int'l Symposium on Multimedia and Communication Technology (ISMAC), pp.164-166, August 2019.
- Takuya Futagami and Noboru Hayasaka, "Automatic extraction of product regions from images on C2C online market," Int'l Conference on Communication Engineering and Technology (ICCET), pp.148-151, April 2019.
- Xiaonan Jiang, Tatsuya Nakagoshi, Noboru Hayasaka, Hiroshi Tsutsui, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "An Evaluation of phrase rejection using k-means clustering for robust speech recognition," Int'l Symposium on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA), pp.154-157, Sep. 2017.
- Noboru Hayasaka, "Noise-robust scream identification using spectral entropy and multi-condition GMM," Int'l Symposium on Smart Info-Media Systems in Asia (SISA), pp.96-99, August 2015.
- Hiroyuki Sakuno, Noboru Hayasaka, and Youji Iiguni, "Noise robust speech recognition selectively using noise adapted HMM set," IEEE Int'l Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS), pp.124-127, Dec. 2014.
- Junichiro Wakasugi, Noboru Hayasaka, and Youji Iiguni, "Robust voice activity detection using selectively energy features," IEEE Int'l Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS), pp.359-362, Dec. 2014.
- Kizuki Matsumoto, Noboru Hayasaka, and Youji Iiguni, "Noise robust speaker identification by dividing MFCC," Int'l Symposium on Control, Communications and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), pp.705-708, May 2014.
- Takuya Futagami, Noboru Hayasaka, and Youji Iiguni, "Speaker adaptation using improved MAP estimation with small amount of adaptation data," IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Paper ID 135, Oct. 2013.
- Shuichiro Hirota, Noboru Hayasaka, and Youji Iiguni, "Experimental evaluation of structure of garbage model generated from in-vocabulary words," Int'l Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), pp.92-97, Oct. 2012.
- Yudai Kaneda, Noboru Hayasaka, and Youji Iiguni, "Feature reduction using PCA with multi-condition training for practical speech recognition systems," Int'l Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), pp.98-103, Oct. 2012.
- Ryota Hashimoto, Noboru Hayasaka, and Youji Iiguni, "Log-based frequency warping for speech recognition," Int'l Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), pp.443-446, June 2011.
- Noboru Hayasaka, Kham Khankhavivone, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, and Kraisin Songwatana, "New robust speech recognition by using nonlinear running spectrum filter," Int'l Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), pp.133-136, Oct. 2006.
- PeiJu Lin, Takayuki Sugawara, Noboru Hayasaka, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "A new e-learning system based on cooperative methods - next-generation extra university-education system," Int'l Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), pp.727-730, Oct. 2006.
- Noboru Hayasaka, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, and Kham Khankhavivone, "Intelligent speech recognition system," Int'l Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems & Int'l Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS), pp.658-663, Sep. 2006.
- Noboru Hayasaka and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Spectrum filtering with FRM for robust speech recognition," IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp.3285-3288, May 2006.
- Naoya Wada, Noboru Hayasaka, Shingo Yoshizawa, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Direct control on modulations Spectrum for noise-robust speech recognition and spectral subtraction," IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp.2533-2536, May 2006.
- Xin Xu, Noboru Hayasaka, Qi Zhu, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Noise robust Chinese speech recognition system for isolate words," IEEE-EURASIP Int'l Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP), pp.420-425, May 2005.
- Noboru Hayasaka and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "A study of robust speech recognition using FRM filter," IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), pp.80-83, Nov. 2004.
- Naoya Wada, Noboru Hayasaka, Shingo Yoshizawa, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Robust speech recognition with feature extraction using combined method of RSF and DRA," Int'l Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), pp.1001-1004, Oct. 2004.
- Shingo Yoshizawa, Naoya Wada, Noboru Hayasaka, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "VLSI architecture for HMM-based speech recognition systems and its verification platform," Int'l Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), pp.700-703, Oct. 2004.
- Shingo Yoshizawa, Naoya Wada, Noboru Hayasaka, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Scalable architecture for word HMM-based speech recognition," IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp.417-420, May 2004.
- Shingo Yoshizawa, Noboru Hayasaka, Naoya Wada, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Cepstral gain normalization for noise robust speech recognition," IEEE Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.209-212, May 2004.
- Noboru Hayasaka, Naoya Wada, Shingo Yoshizawa, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "A robust speech recognition system using FRM running spectrum filtering," Int'l Symposium on Control, Communications and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), pp.401-404, Mar. 2004.
- Shingo Yoshizawa, Naoya Wada, Noboru Hayasaka, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Noise robust speech recognition focusing on time variation and dynamic range of speech feature parameters," Int'l Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), pp.484-487, Dec. 2003.
- Shingo Yoshizaw, Noboru Hayasakaa, Atsuya Kageyama, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Development of a dedicated hardware system for noise robust speech recognition using RSF/DRA technique," Int'l Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), pp.463-466, Sep. 2003.
- Naoya Wada, Noboru Hayasaka, Nobuo Hataoka, and Yoshikazu Miyanaga, "Noise robust speech detection/recognition system including RSF/DRA and MFCC," Int'l Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, pp.455-458 (ISCIT), Sep. 2003.
- Noboru Hayasaka, Yoshikazu Miyanaga, and Naoya Wada, "Running spectrum filtering in speech recognition," Int'l Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems & Int'l Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS), no.210, Oct. 2002.
- External funds
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C),Development of a practical scream detection system using deep learning,2019-2022
- Scholarship donation,Ct Asia Robotics Co., Ltd.,2018
- Collaborative Research,Pothos Corporation,2017-2018
- Collaborative Research,SCREEN ICT Software Co., Ltd.,2017-2018
- Collaborative Research,Transtron Inc.,2017-2018
- Scholarship donation,SCREEN ICT Software Co., Ltd.,2016
- Collaborative Research,Transtron Inc.,2016-2017
- Collaborative Research,Transtron Inc.,2015-2016
- Scholarship donation,Transtron Inc.,2014
- Scholarship donation,Transtron Inc.,2013
- Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B),Feature analysis of scream sound and its application to scream detection system,2013-2016
- Scholarship donation, Transtron Inc.,2012
- Activities in academic societies
- Associate Editor, Special Section on Smart Multimedia & Communication Systems(2022)
- Associate Editor, Special Section on Smart Multimedia & Communication Systems(2020)
- Associate Editor, Special Section on Smart Multimedia & Communication Systems(2019)
- Associate Editor, Special Section on Smart Multimedia & Communication Systems(2018)
- Associate Editor, Special Section on Smart Multimedia & Communication Systems(2017)
- Department
Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering, Department of Engineering Informatics
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Information and Computer Sciences
- Contribution in the local community
- Committee members, officers, etc. in public institutions
- Organization management such as academic societies
- 2016-2018 Council Member of Kansai Chapter of ASJ
- 2015-2021 Technical Committee member of Smart Infor-Media System, IEICE
- Disaster relief activities in Japan and overseas
- Other