Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >渡邊 郁
Department of Computer Science
- Basic information
- Organization management
- Educational activities
- Research activities
- Social contributions
- Department
総合情報学部 メディアコンピュータシステム学科 教授
大学院 総合情報学研究科 コンピュータサイエンス専攻 教授
- Specialized field
アルゴリズム、離散数学 - Research theme
- Career
- Educational background
平成2年3月 新潟大学工学部情報工学科卒業
平成2年4月 新潟大学大学院工学研究科情報工学専攻修士課程入学
平成4年3月 新潟大学大学院工学研究科情報工学専攻修士課程修了
平成4年4月 新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科生産科学科専攻博士課程入学
平成8年3月 新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科生産科学科専攻博士課程修了
平成8年3月 博士(工学) - Work history
平成9年4月 大阪電気通信大学情報工学部情報工学科講師
平成9年10月 本学大学院情報工学専攻博士課程(後期)担当教員
平成15年4月 大阪電気通信大学情報工学部情報工学科助教授
平成17年4月 大阪電気通信大学総合情報学部メディアコンピュータシステム学科教授
- Educational background
- Degree, etc.
- Awards, etc.
- Academic societies
渡邊 郁(わたなべ かおる)WATANABE Kaoru
- Department
総合情報学部 メディアコンピュータシステム学科 教授
大学院 総合情報学研究科 コンピュータサイエンス専攻 教授
- Department / Faculty Management
- Activities within the university, such as committees, centers, and research institutes
- Collaboration activities with industry, government, and academia
- External activities
- Other
渡邊 郁(わたなべ かおる)WATANABE Kaoru
- Department
総合情報学部 メディアコンピュータシステム学科 教授
大学院 総合情報学研究科 コンピュータサイエンス専攻 教授
- Undergraduate education (lectures)
離散数学 等
- Graduate education (lecture)
- Teaching thesis
- 卒業論文等の指導: 10名
- 修士論文等の指導: 0名
- 博士論文等の指導: 0名
Teaching portfolio
- Posture for class
- 学生に学習を自主的に取り組んでもらうように心がけている。
- Self-evaluation of educational activities
- 特に問題はないと思う。
- Training activities to improve classes
- 学内FD/SD研修に参加
- 学科でのJABEE FD会議に参加
- Active learning
- 多くの座学授業に演習を組み込んでいる
- Outline of main course subjects and achievement targets
- プログラミング、アルゴリズムとデータ構造などでは合格率70%を目指す。
- Level of achievement against specific goals
- Responding to requests from students
- 対応可能なものは即時対応
渡邊 郁(わたなべ かおる)WATANABE Kaoru
- Department
総合情報学部 メディアコンピュータシステム学科 教授
大学院 総合情報学研究科 コンピュータサイエンス専攻 教授
- Books etc:
- Academic papers, works, etc.
- Academic papers(full paper)
- K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, and Y.Yamaguchi, Realization problems
of a tree with transmission number sequence, IEICE Trans. on Fund.,
vol.E77-A, no.3, pp.572-533, 1994. - 渡辺,田村,仙石 フローネットワークの出口配置問題,
電子情報通信学会論文誌 A vol.J78-A, No.8, pp.938-946, 1995. - K.Watanabe, H.Tamura, and M.Sengoku, The problem of where to locate
p-shinks in a flow network: complexity approach, IEICE Trans. on Fund.,
vol.E79-A, no.9, pp.1495-1503, 1996. - K.Watanabe, H.Tamura, K.Nakano, and M.Sengoku, The p-collection
problem in a flow network with lower bounds, IEICE Trans. on Fund.,vol.E80-A, no.4, pp.651-657, 1997 - K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, and S.Shinoda, Covering problems in
the p-collection problems, IEICE Trans. on Fund., vol.E81-A, no.3,
pp.470-475, 1998 - K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, K.Nakano, and S.Shinoda,
A scheduling problem in multihop networks, IEICE Trans. on Fund.,
vol.E83-A, no.6, pp.1222-1227, 2000 - H.Tamura, K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku and S.Shinoda
A channel assignment problem in multihop wireless networks and graph theory
J. of Circuits Systems, and Computer, vol.13, No.2, pp.375-385, 2004 - Hiroshi Noborio, Kaoru Watanabe, Masahiro Yagi, Yasuhiro Ida, Shigeki Nankaku, Katsuhiko Onishi, Masanao Koeda, Masanori Kon, Kosuke Matsui, Masaki Kaibori, "Experimental Results of 2D Depth-Depth Matching Algorithm Based on Depth Camera Kinect v1," Journal of Bioinformatics and Neuroscience, Vol.1, No.1, pp.38-44, ISSN:2188-8116, 2015.《関医外科共同》
- Kaoru Watanabe, Masahiro Yagi, Kento Ota, Katsuhiko Onishi, Masanao Koeda, Shigeki Nankaku, Hiroshi Noborio, Masanori Kon, Kousuke Matsui, Masaki Kaibori, "Parameter Identification of Depth-Depth-Matching Algorithm for Liver Following," Jurnal Teknologi, Medical Engineering, Vol.77, No.6, pp.35-39, DOI:10.11113/jt.v77.6224, Penerbit UTM Press, E-ISSN 2180-3722, 2015.《関医外科共同》
- Hiroshi Noborio, Kaoru Watanabe, Masahiro Yagi, Yasuhiro Ida, Katsuhiko Onishi, Masanao Koeda, Shigeki Nankaku, Kousuke Matsui, Masanori Kon, Masaki Kaibori, "Image-based Initial Position/Orientation Adjustment System between Real and Virtual Livers," Jurnal Teknologi, Medical Engineering, Vol.77, No.6, pp.41-45,DOI:10.11113/jt.v77.6225, Penerbit UTM Press, E-ISSN 2180-3722, 2015.《関医外科共同》
- 藤本 堅太,瀧口 宙,中村 俊介,渡辺 郁,南角 茂樹,登尾 啓史, "割込みスケジューラのハードウェア化による高速化手法の提案と評価," DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.135.1427, 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌),Vol.135, No.11, pp.1427-1438, 2015-11.
- Kenta Fujimoto, Hiroshi Takiguchi, Shunsuke Nakamura, Kaoru Watanabe, Shigeki Nankaku, Hiroshi Noborio, "Proposal and Evaluation high-speed technique using hardware implementation of the interrupt scheduler," DOI: 10.1541/ieejeiss.135.1427, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems Society, Vol.135, No.11, pp.1427-1438, November 2015.
- Daiki Yano, Masanao Koeda, Mayuko Doi, Kodai Okumoto, Shogo Yoshida, Katsuhiko Onishi, Hiroshi Noborio and Kaoru Watanabe, "Accuracy verification of knife tip positioning with position and orientation estimation of the actual liver for liver surgery support system", Journal of Bioinformatics and Neurosciences, Vol.3, No.3, pp.79-84, e-ISSN: 2432-5422, p-ISSN: 2188-8116, December 29, 2017.
- Numata,S., Yano D., Koeda M., Onishi K., Watanabe K., Noborio H., Uoi H., "A Novel Liver Surgical Navigation System Using Polyhedrons with STL-Format," In: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction in Context. HCI 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10902. Springer, pp.53-63, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-91244-8_5, Print ISBN 978-3-319-91243-1, Online ISBN 978-3-319-91244-8, 2018.
- Onishi K., Tanaka Y., Mizushino K., Tachibana K., Watanabe K., Noborio H., "Calibration Experiences of Multiple RGB/Depth Visions for Capturing a Surgical Area," In: Kurosu M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction in Context. HCI 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10902. Springer, pp.64-71, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-91244-8_6, Print ISBN 978-3-319-91243-1, Online ISBN 978-3-319-91244-8, 2018.
- Conference Activities & Talks
- K.Watanabe, H.Tamura, and M.Sengoku, Problems of where to locate
capacitated p-shinks, Proc. of 1995 joint technical CONFERENCE oncircuits/systems, computer and communications, pp758-761, 1995 - Y.Fujita, K.Watanabe, H.Tamura, K.Nakano, and M.Sengoku,
A study on cellular mobile commnication systems with the channel
offset scheme, Proc. of 1996 international technical CONFERENCE
onference on circuits/systems, computer and communications (ITC-CSCC)
pp.537-540, 1996 - Y.Oda, K.Watanabe, H.Tamura, K.Nakano, and M.Sengoku, Some of classes of the marked graph with given synchrinic distance matrix,Proc. of 1996 ITC-CSCC, pp.705-708, 1996
- K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, and S.Shinoda, Covering problems
corresponding to the p-collection problem, Proc. of 1997 IEEE Int. Symp.
on circuits and systems, pp.1656-1659, 1997 - K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, K.Nakano, and S.Shinoda,
A scheduling problem for mobile radio networks with multihop type,
Proc. of 1997 ITC-CSCC, pp.887-880, 1997 - K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, and S.Shinoda, Cut covering problem
in directed Graphs, Proc. of the 1998 IEEE Asia-Pacific CONFERENCE
on circuits and systems pp.703-706, 1998 - K.Watanabe, H.Tamura, K.Nakano, and M.Sengoku, A scheduling problem
in multihop networks mobile communication, Proc. of 3rd Int. Symp.
on Multi-dimensional pp.180-184, 1998 - K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, and S.Shinoda, The k-spanner
problem in a flow network, Proc. of 1999 Int. Symp. on Nonlinear Theory
and its Applications, pp.687-688, 1999 - K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, K.Nakano and S.ShinodaGraph problems in multi-hop networksProc of the IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, vol. IV, pp.894-897, 2001.
- K.Watanabe, M.Sengoku, H.Tamura, K.Nakano and S.Shinoda
A New Total Coloring Problem in Multi-hop Networks
Proc of the Int. Tech. Conf. on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications, vol. 3, pp.1375-1377, 2002. - K.Watanabe, H.Tamura and M.Sengoku New Scheduling Problems in a Multi-hop Network, and Their Complexity ResultsProc. of The 47th IEEE Int. Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systemsvol.II pp. 489-491, 2004
- Kaoru Watanabe, Masahiro Yagi, Katsuhiko Onishi, Masanao Koeda, Hiroshi Noborio, Masaki Kaibori, "Evaluation of Depth-Depth Matching Algorithm for Following Human Liver whose Motion is Practical and also is Occluded by Human Body," In Proceedings of the 10th MedViz Conference and the 6th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM), Bergen, Norway, ISBN:978-82-998920-7-0 (Printed), ISBN:978-82-998920-8-7 (Electronic), pp.135-138, September 7-9 2016.《関医外科共同》
- Kaoru Watanabe, Masatoshi Kayaki, Kiminori Mizushino, Masahiro Nonaka, Hiroshi Noborio, "A Mechanical System Directly Attaching beside a Surgical Bed for Measuring Surgical Area Precisely by Depth Camera," In Proceedings of the 10th MedViz Conference and the 6th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM), Bergen, Norway, ISBN:978-82-998920-7-0 (Printed), ISBN:978-82-998920-8-7 (Electronic), pp.105-108, September 7-9 2016.《関医脳神経共同》
- Kaoru Watanabe, Masatoshi Kayaki, Kiminori Mizushino, Masahiro Nonaka, Hiroshi Noborio, "Brain Shift Simulation Controlled by Directly Captured Surface Points," In Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'16), Category: Late Breaking Research Posters, Theme: BioMedical Imaging and Image Processing, Sessions: Ignite_Theme 2_Fr2, Poster Session III, Orlando Florida USA, August 16-20 2016.《関医脳神経共同》
- Kaoru Watanabe, Masatoshi Kayaki, Kiminori Mizushino, Masahiro Nonaka, Hiroshi Noborio, "Capturing a Brain Shift Directly by the Depth Camera Kinect v2," In Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'16), Category: Late Breaking Research Posters, Theme: Computational Systems & Synthetic Biology; Multiscale Modeling, Sessions: Ignite_Theme 4_Fr1, Poster Session II, Orlando Florida USA, August 16-20 2016.《関医脳神経共同》
- Kaoru Watanabe, Masatoshi Kayaki, Kiminori Mizushino, Masahiro Nonaka, Hiroshi Noborio, "A Mechanical System Directly Attaching beside a Surgical Bed for Measuring Surgical Area Precisely by Depth Camera," In Proceedings of the 10th MedViz Conference and the 6th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM), Bergen, Norway, ISBN:978-82-998920-7-0 (Printed), ISBN:978-82-998920-8-7 (Electronic), pp.105-108, September 7-9 2016.《関医脳神経共同》
- Kaoru Watanabe, Masahiro Yagi, Katsuhiko Onishi, Masanao Koeda, Hiroshi Noborio, Masaki Kaibori, "Evaluation of Depth-Depth Matching Algorithm for Following Human Liver whose Motion is Practical and also is Occluded by Human Body," In Proceedings of the 10th MedViz Conference and the 6th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM), Bergen, Norway, ISBN:978-82-998920-7-0 (Printed), ISBN:978-82-998920-8-7 (Electronic), pp.135-138, September 7-9 2016.《関医外科共同》
- Hiroshi Noborio, Shogo Yoshida, Kaoru Watanabe, Daiki Yano, and Masanao Koeda, "Comparative Study of Depth-Image Matching with Steepest Descendent and Simulated Annealing Algorithms," In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, pages 77-87, ISBN: 978-989-758-277-6, Funchal, Madeira-Portugal, 19-21 January, 2018.
- Hiroshi Noborio, Shogo Yoshida, Kaoru Watanabe, Daiki Yano, and Masanao Koeda, "Comparative Study of Depth-Image Matching with Steepest Descendent and Simulated Annealing Algorithms," In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, pages 77-87, ISBN: 978-989-758-277-6, Funchal, Madeira-Portugal, 19-21 January, 2018.
- External funds, patents, copyrights, etc.
- Activities in academic societies
渡邊 郁(わたなべ かおる)WATANABE Kaoru
- Department
総合情報学部 メディアコンピュータシステム学科 教授
大学院 総合情報学研究科 コンピュータサイエンス専攻 教授
- Contribution in the local community
- Committee members, officers, etc. in public institutions
- Organization management such as academic societies
- Disaster relief activities in Japan and overseas
- Other