Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >入部 正継
Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
- Basic information
- Organization management
- Educational activities
- Research activities
- Social contributions
- Department
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Divison of Mechanical and Control Engineering - Specialized field
Control Engineering, Robotics, Mechatronics - Research theme
Robotics and Application of Control Engineering - URL
Home page of Electro-Mechanical Engineering(In Japanese)
Home page of Robotics and Mechatronics Lab.(In Japanese)
Facebook page of Robotics and Mechatronics Lab.(In Japanese)
3.8m Telescope Project - Career
- Educational background
B.A. in Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University - Osaka, Japan 1991
M.A. in Engineering, Graduate school of Osaka Prefecture University - Osaka, Japan 1993
Ph.D in Engineering, Graduate school of Kobe University - Hyogo, Japan 2007 - Work history
1993-2007, Sony Corporation, Research engineer
2007-2011, Lecturer of Osaka Electro-Communication University
2012-2015, Associate professor of Osaka Electro-Communication University
2016- present, Professor of Osaka Electro-Communication University
- Educational background
- Degree, etc.
M.A. in Engineering from Osaka Prefecture University
Ph.D in Engineering from Kobe University - Awards, etc.
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Annual Conference 2004 (IECON 2004) Best Presentation Award(2004)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2006) Best Student Paper finalist(2006)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2008) Best Manipulation Paper award(2008)
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER2015) Best Paper Award (2015)
- Academic societies
Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering(JSME), The Society of Instrument and Control Engineering(SICE), The Robotics Society of Japan(RSJ), The Institute of Systems, Control and Engineers(ISCIE), IEEE(Robotics and Automation Society Membership), The Horological Institute of Japan, Astronomical Society of Japan
IRIBE Masatsugu
- Department
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Divison of Mechanical and Control Engineering
- Department / Faculty Management
Academic affairs committee (2017- present)
- Activities within the university, such as committees, centers, and research institutes
Director of 3D Innovative Design and Manufacturing Center (2018- present)
Director of Fundamental Mechatronics Research Institute (2020- present)
- Collaboration activities with industry, government, and academia for carrier education
Invited lecutres (Domestic) : 3 (2013 -present)
Delivery lecture class to high school (Domestic) :19 (2007- present)
Delivery active learning class to high school (Domestic) : 7 (2008- present)
IRIBE Masatsugu
- Department
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Division of Mechanical and Control Engineering
- Undergraduate education (lectures)
Strength of Materials 1
Dynamics 3
Mechatronics Laboratory 2
Mechatronics exercize of creativity
Applied mathematics
Digital Circuits
- Graduate education (lecture)
Modern Control Theory
- Teaching thesis
Graduate Study Thesis : 168 (Total, 2008‐2022),2022 : 11
Master Study Thesis : 56 (Total, 2009-2022), 2022: M1:8,M2:3
Ph.D Study Thesis : 0
Research student : 2 (Total, 2008‐2021)
- Student Awards
JSME Miura-award as the chief award of graduate school (Division of Mechanical Engineering): 7 (2010,2011,2013,2015,2016,2019,2020)
Best presentation award, Graduation research presentation of JSME Kansai division: 4 (2012,2014,2018,2022)
- Extracurricular activities
Supervisor of Rescue Robot Contest Project, JIYU-KOHBO in O.E.C.U. (2008‐)
Supervisor of Micro Mouse Project, JIYU-KOHBO in O.E.C.U.(2016‐)
Supervisor of Electric Vehicle Project, JIYU-KOHBO in O.E.C.U.(2016-)
Teaching portfolio
- Posture for class
Set rules for taking lectures together with students, and give lectures in accordance with those rules. - Self-evaluation of educational activities
Grade:S (2016- present) - Training activities to improve classes
Participate in Faculty Development training course of O.E.C.U. - Active learning
Guidance on manufacturing at seminars and encourage the students to participate in robot contests
Guidance on manufacturing at JIYU-KOHBO in O.E.C.U. - Outline of main course subjects and achievement targets
Described in Web syllabus(In Japanese) - Level of achievement against specific goals
80% or more - Responding to requests from students
Feedback on the results of the class questionnaire survey
IRIBE Masatsugu
- Department
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Divison of Mechanical and Control Engineering
- Books etc:
- M. Iribe, T. Moridaira, T. Fukushima, Y. Kuroki. Safety Design for Small Biped-Walking Home-Entertainment Robot SDR-4XII. Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in a New Era. Eds. E. Arai and T. Arai. pp.189-194. Elsevier. 2006, ISBN: 0-08-044963-8.
- M. Iribe and K. Osuka. A Designing Method of the Passive Dynamic Walking Robot via Analogy with the Phase Locked Loop Circuits. Bioinspiration and Robotics -Walking and Climbing Robots-. Eds. M. K. Habib. pp.79-94. I-Tech Education and Publishing, 2007, ISBN9783902613158.
- H. Takeda, M. Iribe. Introduction to Corporate Law and Finance / Accounting, for science course students, THE NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN,LTD., 2009. (In Japanese)
- Academic papers
- Iribe, M.; Osuka, K., Design of the Passive Dynamic Walking Robot by Applying its Dynamic Properties. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. Vol.19, No.4, Aug. 2007. pp.402-408.(DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2007.p0402)
- Iribe, M., Shirahata, A., Kita, H., Sasashige, Y., Dadai, R., A Learning Tool and Program Development for Mechatronics Design Education. Transaction of SICE. Vol.3. No.47. pp.173-179. 2011.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.9746/sicetr.47.173)
- Iribe, M.; Matsuda, H.; Aizawa, H.; Endo, G.; Takubo T., Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Daily Life - A mobile robot development for Home Oxygen Therapy patients with the “Hyper Tether”-. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. Vol.23. No.2. 2011. pp.316-323.(DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2011.p0316)
- Kinugasa, T., Akagi, T., Ishii, K., Haji, T., Yoshida, K., Amano, H., Hayashi, R., Tokuda, K., Iribe, M., Osuka, K., Measurement of Flexed Posture for Flexible Mono-Tread Mobile Track - For Vertebral Structure Using Novel Flexible Displacement Sensor. Transakction of ISCIE. Vol.24. No.8. pp.200-206, 2011.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.5687/iscie.24.200)
- Iribe, M., Tanaka, H., An integrated hands-on Mechatronics education program, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics. Vol.23. No.5. 2011. pp.701-708.(DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2011.p0701)
- Kinugasa,T., Haji, T., Yoshida, K., Amano, H., Hayashi, R., Tokuda, K., Iribe, M., Osuka, K., Flexion Movement of Flexible Mono-Tread Mobile Track : Modeling and Motion Analysis for Flexion Movement. Journal of RSJ. Vol.30. No.4. 2012. pp.436-442.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.30.436)
- G. Endo, A. Tani, E.F. Fukushima, S. Hirose, M. Iribe, T. Takubo : Development of a Leader-following Mobile Robot to Support Home Oxygen therapy Patients, Journal of RSJ, Vol.30. No.8. 2012. pp.779-787. (In Japanese, DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.30.779)
- T. Kinugasa, T. Haji, M. Iribe, T. Kobayashi, S. Fujimoto, K. Yoshida : 3D-Passive Dynamic Walker Made of Cardboard for Robot Education - Design Stragegy, Experiment and Manual Training - , Jounal or RSJ, Vol.31. No.2. 2013. pp.154-160.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.31.154)
- Kinugasa,T., Akagi,T., Haji,T, Yoshida,K., Amano,H., Hayashi,R., Iribe,M., Tokuda,K., Osuka,K., Measurement System for Flexed Shape of Flexibly Articulated Mobile Track, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. Vol.71-3. 2013.(DOI: 10.1007/s10846-013-9869-8)
- Haji. T., Kinugasa.T., Araki. S. , Hanada.D., Yoshida. K., Amano. H., Hayashi. R., Tokuda. K., Iribe. M., New Body Design for Flexible Mono-Tread Mobile Track: Layered Structure and Passive Retro-Flexion, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.26, No.4, Aug. 2014, pp.460-468.(DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2014.p0460)
- Gen Endo, Ben Allan, Yu Iemura, Edwardo F Fukushima, Masatsugu Iribe, Toshio Takubo, Mineko Ohira, Mobile follower robot as an assistive device for home oxygen therapy – evaluation of tether control algorithms, ROBOMECH Journal, Vol.2, Issue 1, Feb. 2015.(DOI: 10.1186/s40648-014-0026-3)
- R. Hayashi, G. Matsuyama, H. Amano, H. Saiki, T. Kinugasa, Y. Yu, M. Iribe, K. Tokuda : Study on maneuvering support system for an amphibian rescue vehicle on the surface of water, Transaction of the JSME, Vol.81, No.823, p.14-00520, 2015, March.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.14-00520)
- D. Ura, M. Iribe, K. Osuka, T. Kinugasa : Legged Walking Robot Design Applying a Behavior of Passive Dynamic Walking —Joint D.O.F Alignment Design Applying the Adaptive Function—, Transaction of SICE, No.5,Vol.51,pp.329-335, 2015.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.9746/sicetr.51.329)
- T. Kinugasa, T. Ito, H, Kitamura, K. Ando, S. Fujimoto, K. Yoshida, M. Iribe, 3D Dynamic Biped Walker with Flat Feet and Ankle Springs: Passive Gait Analysis and Extension to Active Walking, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.27, No.4, pp.444-452, Aug., 2015.(DOI: 10.20965/jrm.2015.p0444)
- [[G. Endo, M. Iribe, T. Takubo, Y. Iemura, R. Ikeda, K. Onishi, N, Maeta, Y. Saito, E.F. Fukushima, T. Kaburagi, M. Kotani, D. Ishibashi, M. Ohira, K. Hirai, A. Ishikawa :
Development of transport robot to support going out of home oxygen therapy patients -Trial evaluation of various types of equipment by patients, The Journal of The Japan Society for Respiratory Care and Rehabilitation, Vol.25, No.3, pp.367-371,2015.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.15032/jsrcr.25.3_367)>]] - T. Kinugasa, K. Ando, S. Fujimoto, K. Yoshida, M. Iribe, Development of a three-dimensional dynamic biped walking via the oscillation of telescopic knee joint and its gait analysis, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES), Volume 9, pp. 1529-1537, December 2015.
- T. Kinugasa, T. Haji, K. Yoshida, H. Amano, R. Hayashi, K. Tokuda, M. Iribe, Development of Flexible Mono-Tread Mobile Track Using Rotational Joints, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Online First Articles, pp.1-16, May, 2016.(DOI: 10.1007/s10846-016-0374-8)
- Masatsugu Iribe, Naoto Maeta, Gen Endo, Toshio Takubo, Mineko Ohira and Tetsuya Kinugasa, Mobile robotic cart development to support Home Oxygen Therapy patients - Study on handling interface for mobile robotic cart similar to wheeled walker - , ROBOMECH Journal, Vol.3, Issue 1, Article 14, Dec. 2016.(DOI 10.1186/s40648-016-0053-3)
- Ryota Hayashi, Genki Matsuyama, Hisanori Amano, Hitomu Saiki, Tetsuya Kinugasa, Koji Yoshida, Masatsugu Iribe, Kenichi Tokuda, Maneuvering Support System for an Amphibian Vehicle –Warning Display to Prevent Rough Maneuvers–, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.29, No.3, pp.591-601, June 2017.(doi: 10.20965/jrm.2017.p0591)
- Mikio Kurita, Masaru Kino, Fumihide Iwamuro, Kouji Ohta, Daisaku Nogami, Hideyuki Izumiura, Michitoshi Yoshida, Kazuya Matsubayashi, Daisuke Kuroda, Yoshikazu Nakatani, Kodai Yamamoto, Hironori Tsutsui, Masatsugu Iribe, Ichiro Jikuya, Hiroshi Ohtani, Kazunari Shibata, Keisuke Takahashi, Hitoshi Tokoro, Toshinori Maihara, Tetsuya Nagata, The Seimei telescope project and technical developments, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan (2020) 72 (3), 48 (1–11).
- M. Iribe, R. Hirouji, D. Ura, K. Osuka, T. Kinugasa : Experimental verification of Adaptive Function inherent in Passive Dynamic Walking and walking motion stabilization applying the function, Transaction of SICE, No.12, Vol.56, pp.551-559, 2020.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.9746/sicetr.56.551)
- Masatsugu Iribe, Ryoichi Hirouji, Daisuke Ura, Koichi Osuka, Tetsuya Kinugasa, Experimental verification of the characteristic behaviors in passive dynamic walking, Artificial Life and Robotics, Vol.26, No.2, pp.187–194, May 2021. (published in Jan. 2021.)
- S. Ebihara, S. Ioka, Y. Ito, M. Iribe, Y. He, T. Tanaka, M. Doi, A. Nakata : Introducing Project-Based Learning to Teams Collaborating Across Disciplines for Innovation in Osaka Electro-Communication University, Journal of JSEE, Vo.69, No.4, pp.94-100, 2021.(In Japanese, DOI: 10.4307/jsee.69.4_94)
- Peer-reviewed Proceedings(International Conference )
- M. Iribe, T. Fukushima, J. Yamaguchi, Y. Kuroki : Development of a New Actuator for a Small Biped Entertainment Robot - Which has Suitable Functions for Humanoid Robots-, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2004), FD5-1, Busan, Korea, 2004, November. 【 Best Presentation Award】
- M. Iribe, T. Moridaira, T. Fukushima, Y. Kuroki : Safety Design for Small Biped Walking Home Entertainment Robot SDR-4XII, Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Automation (ICMA2004) - Mechatronics for Safety, Security and Dependability in New Era -, pp.303-308, Osaka, Japan, 2004, November.
- M. Iribe, K. Osuka : Analogy between Passive Walking Robot and Phase Locked Loop Circuit, Proceedings of the SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006 (SICE-ICCAS 2006), pp.1195-1200, Busan, Korea, 2006, October.
- M. Iribe, K. Osuka : Analysis and Stabilization of the Passive Walking Robot via Analogy with the Phase Locked Loop Circuits, Proceedings of the IEEE -RAS/RSJ International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2006), pp.548-553, Genova, Italy, 2006, December.
- M. Iribe, K. Osuka: A Designing Method of the Passive Dynamic Walking Robot via Analogy with the Phase Locked Loop Circuits, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO2006), pp.636-641, Kunming, China, 2006, December. 【Best Student Paper finalist】
- K. Osuka, M. Iribe, Y. Sugimoto : On Passive Adaptive Mechanism in Passive Dynamic Walking, Proceedings of the International Conference on Morphological Computation, session27-2, Venice, Italy, 2007, March.
- K. Osuka, M. Iribe, Y. Sugimoto : Adaptive Function Embedded in Passive Dynamic Walking, Proceedings of the International WORKSHOP on MOBILIGENCE, University of Padua, Vicenza Campus, Italy, 2007, April.
- T. Takahashi, T. Tsuboi, T. Kishida, Y. Kawanami, S. Shimizu, M. Iribe, T. Fukushima, M. Fujita : Adaptive Grasping by Multi Fingered Hand with Tactile Sensor based on Robust Force and Position Control, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.264-271, Pasadena USA, 2008, May. 【Best Manipulation Paper award】
- G. Endo, A. Tani, M. Iribe, T. Takubo, E. F. Fukushima, S. Hirose : Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Daily Life -Development of a Mobile Robot with "Hyper-Tether" for Home Oxygen Therapy Patients-, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Symposium on System Integration, P01, Tokyo, Japan, 2009, Nov.
- M. Iribe, T. Kinugasa, Y. Sugimoto, K. Osuka : Dynamical model verification of Passive Dynamic Walking with a compass model prototype, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2010 (SICE2010), pp.2800-2803, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010, Aug.
- T. Kinugasa, T. Akiyama, M.A.J.B. Idris, K. Yoshida, M. Iribe : Experimental Analysis of 3D Passive Dynamic Walking - body's shape, CoM and stability, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2010 (SICE2010), pp.1825-1830, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010, Aug.
- M. Iribe, H. Furukawa, Y. Sugimoto, T. Kinugasa, K. Osuka:Prototype Passive Walker development which has capabilities to measure the state parameters of its own, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2011), pp.581-588, Paris, France, 2011, September.
- T. Haji, S. Myoraku, T. Kinugasa, T. Akagi, K. Yoshida, H. Amano, R. Hayashi, M. Iribe, K. Tokuda, K. Osuka : Measurement of Flexed Posture for Driving Flexible Mono-tread Mobile Track Using Flexible Displacement Sensor, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2011), pp.273-280, Paris, France, 2011, September.
- T. Kinugasa, H. Komatsubara, K. Yoshida, S. Fujimoto, M. Iribe, K. Osuka : Passive Dynamic Quadruped Walker with Flat Feet and Ankle Springs, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2011) , pp.517-524, Paris, France, 2011,September.
- A. Tani, G. Endo, E. F. Fukushima, S. Hirose, M. Iribe, T. Takubo : Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Development and Control of a Mobile Platform-, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011), San Francisco, America, 2011, September.
- T. Kinugasa, T. Haji, K. Yoshida, H. Amano, R. Hayashi, M. Iribe, K. Tokuda, K. Osuka : Prototype “RT04” That Uses Flexible Mono-Tread Mobile Track, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue(SSRR2011), Kyoto, Japan, 2011, November.
- M. Iribe, H. Hirose, T. Kinugasa, K. Osuka : Legged Robot Design Applying the Behavior of Passive Dynamic Walking, Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2012), 9262, Palma, Majorca, Spain, 2012, October.
- M.Iribe, R.Dasai, G.Endo, T.Takubo, T.Kinugasa, K.Osuka : Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients - Prototype Cart Development Applying the Inverted Pendulum Control -, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2012), pp.1230-1235, Guangzhou, China, 2012, December.
- T. Kinugasa, K. Yoshida, T. Haji, H. Amano, R. Hayashi, M. Iribe, K. Tokuda : Steerability of articulated multi-tracked vehicles by flexed posture moving on slippery surface, Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2013), pp. 3483-3488, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013, May.
- G. Endo, M. Iribe, Y. Iemura, R. Ikeda, K. Onish, N. Maeta, E. F. Fukushima, S. Hirose, M. Ohira, T. Takubo : Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients-, IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), C28, 2013, Jun.
- B. Allan, G. Endo, Y. Iemura, E. F. Fukushima, M. Iribe, T. Takubo, M. Ohira : Robot Development in Cooperation with Patients: Application of Hyper-Tether to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients, IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), pp.33-38, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2013.
- T. Matsuo, N. Murakami, T. Kotani, H. Kawahara, N. Natsume, M. Kino, H. Imada, M. Kurita, M. Iribe, H. Nishida, M. Kida, H. Kitou, K. Ishikawa, Y. Uda, H. Tokoro, T. Nagata, F. Iwamuro, N. Miura, S. Oya, Y. Itoh, H. Shibai, M. Tamura: High-contrast planet imager for Kyoto 4-m segmented telescope, SPIE 2014 Astronomical Telescopes+ Instrumentation, 9147-67, Montreal, Canada, 2014, Jun.
- M. Iribe, G. Endo, N. Maeta, K. Onishi, R. Ikeda, Y. Iemura, T. Takubo, M. Ohira : Practical Assistive Robot Cart Development to Support Hot Patients, Proceeding of the ISCIE / ASME 2014 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2014), 2014-116S, Hyogo, Japan, 2014, July.
- T. Kinugasa, T. Ito, S. Fujimoto, K. Yoshida1, M. Iribe : 3D DYNAMIC BIPED WALKER ‘RW04’ WITH TELESCOPIC KNEES, FLAT FEET AND ANKLE SPRINGS, Proceeding of the ISCIE / ASME 2014 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2014), 2014-4S, Hyogo, Japan, 2014, July.
- T. Iwao, K. Tokuda, M. Iribe, K. Osuka : INCLINE CHANGE DETECTION BY PASSIVE DYNAMIC WALKER’S CROTCH ANGLES, Proceeding of the ISCIE / ASME 2014 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2014), 2014-107S, Hyogo, Japan, 2014, July.
- T. Kinugasa, T. Haji, K. Yoshida, H. Amano, R. Hayashi, K. Tokuda, M. Iribe : Step Performance of Passively Retro-Flexible Tracked Vehicles, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2014 (SICE 2014), WeAT2.4, Sapporo, Japan, 2014, September.
- T. Kinugasa*, K. Ando, S. Fujimoto, K. Yoshida, M. Iribe : DEVELOPMENT OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL DYNAMIC BIPED WALKING VIA OSCILLATION OF TELESCOPIC KNEE JOINT AND ITS GAIT ANALYSIS, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Research 2015 (ICMER2015), P124, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia, 2015, August. 【Best Paper Award】
- M. Iribe, Y. Uedono*, G. Endo, T. Takubo: Escort type mobile robotic cart development to support HOT patient’s going out applying new operational interface mechanism, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015), pp.35-36, Tokyo, Japan, 2015, December.
- M.Iribe, Y. Mishima*, G. Endo, T. Takubo: Mobile robotic cart development to support Home Oxygen Therapy patient's going out via Force control with Inverted pendulum control, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics (ICAM2015), pp.272-273, Tokyo, Japan, 2015, December.
- M.Iribe*, Y. Mishima, G. Endo, T. Takubo, T. Kinugasa: Development of a mobile robotic cart to support HOT patient’s going out via Force and Inverted pendulum control, Proceedings of Mecatronics-REM 2016, pp.272-277, Compiegne, France, 2016, June.
- G. Endo, B. Allan*, M. Iribe, T. Takubo : Development of a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients - Empirical Evaluation in Public Space -, Proceedings of The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017), WBT4.3, Munich, Germany, 2017, July.
- M. Iribe*, T. Oura, S. Inami, A. Saito, K. Tokuda : Development of Automated Raspberry Harvesting System, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2018 (SICE2018), pp.393-1396, Nara, Japan, 2018, September.
- M. Kanda*, K. Tokuda, M. Iribe, S. Morita, A. Saito : Evaluation of Raspberry Harvesting by Raspberry-Pi, Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2018 (SICE2018), pp.1403-1406, Nara, Japan, 2018, September.
- M.Iribe, R.Hirouji*, D.Ura, K. Osuka, T. Kinugasa : Experimental verification of the characteristic properties of Passive Dynamic Walking, Proceedings of The Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2020 (AROB 25th 2020), pp.854-859, Beppu, Japan, 2020, January.
- M. Iribe, "Control input design for limit cycle walking machines via PLL circuit", Proceedings of 28th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2020 (AROB 28th 2023), pp.1209-1214, Beppu, Japan, Jan. 2023.(レフェリーあり)
- Peer-reviewed Proceedings(Domestic conference, In Japanese) : 8
- Presentation (no-reviewed, In Japanese) : 256
- Domestic Journal articles (In Japanese): 6
- Patents (as an inventor)
- Iribe, M., Japanese patent JP3551631(In Japanese, 2004.5.14).
- Mori, N., Iribe, M., Yamaguchi, J., Japanese patent JP3824608(In Japanese, 2006.7.7).
- Nozaki, K., Watanabe, T., Iribe, M., Nakamura, J., Japanese patent JP3849258(In Japanese, 2006.9.8).
- Iribe, M., Yamanaka, H., Japanese patent JP3994956(In Japanese, 2007.8.10).
- Iribe, M., Yamaguchi, J., Japanese patent JP4086765(In Japanese, 2008.2.29).
- Iribe, M., Yamaguchi, J., Japanese patent JP4115374(In Japanese, 2008.4.25).
- Iribe, M., Japanese patent JP4127043(In Japanese, 2008.5.23).
- Watanabe, T., Uchiyama, Y., Iribe, M., Japanese patent JP4171953(In Japanese, 2008.8.22).
- Kenichi Nozaki, Taro Watanabe, Masatsugu Iribe, Junichi Nakamura, Yoshihiro Machiguchi:Driving method using motor and its driving apparatus, exchanging apparatus of recording medium, and driving method of exchanging apparatus of recording medium, US6111385(2000.8.29).
- Taro Watanabe, Yuji Uchiyama, Masatsugu Iribe:Disk carrying apparatus and disk carrying method involving determining optimum stop position of disk carrier based on detected stopping state of disk carrier, US6510110(2003.1.21).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka:Robot apparatus, and load absorbing apparatus and method, US6956345(2005.10.18).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka:Robot apparatus, and load absorbing apparatus and method, US6956346(2005.10.18).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka:Robot apparatus, and load absorbing apparatus and method, US6965210(2005.11.15)
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka:Robot apparatus, and load absorbing apparatus and method, US6979969(2005.12.27).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka:Robot apparatus, and load absorbing apparatus and method, US6987374(2006.1.17).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka:Robot apparatus, and load absorbing apparatus and method, US6989645(2006.1.24).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka:Robot apparatus, and load absorbing apparatus and method, US6995535(2006.12.7).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka:Robot apparatus, and load absorbing apparatus and method, US6998809(2006.12.14).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Tomohisa Moridaira, Hiroshi Yamaguchi:Robot and over-current protection device for a robot, US7023164(2006.4.4).
- Masatsugu Iribe :Legged mobile robot and actuator device applicable to join shaft of the robot, US7061200(2006.6.13),
- Masatsugu Iribe, Jinichi Yamaguchi:Legged mobile robot, US7072740(2006.7.4).
- Masatsugu Iribe, Hajime Yamanaka, Yoshihiro Itoh, Shinya. Suzuki:Motor, actuator and controller thereof, US7365508 (2008.4.29)
- Masatsugu Iribe, Jinichi Yamaguchi:Legged Mobile robot, US7366587 (2008.4.29) .
- Taro Watanabe, Yuji Uchiyama, Masatsugu Iribe:Disk carrying apparatus and disk carrying method, EP01118990(2005.7.13).
- Naoto Mori, Masatsugu Iribe, Jinichi Yamaguchi:LEGGED MOBILE ROBOT AND METHOD OF CONTROLLING OPERATION OF THE ROBOT, US7278501(2007.10.9).
- Taro Watanabe, Yuji Uchiyama, Masatsugu Iribe:Disk transport unit and method, CN 1222944(2005.10.12).
- Naoto Mori, Masatsugu Iribe, Jinichi Yamaguchi:Legged mobile robot and method of controlling operation of robot, CN100503179(2009.6.24).
- Iribe Masatsugu, Uchiyama Yuji, Watanabe Taro:Disk transporting device, KR100674172B1(2007.1.18).
- Iribe, M., Yamanaka, H., Japanese patent JP4848962(In Japanese, 2007.1.15).
- External funds: 9
- Invited lectures: 14
- Activities in academic societies (International, Conference committee and Editor of journals)
- Local Arrangement of The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2009), 2009.
- Financial Co-chair of The International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology ( SICE Annual Conference 2010) , 2010.
- Technical Tour Co-Chair of The ISCIE / ASME ISFA2014 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA2014), 2014.
- Referee of IEEE International Conference on ROBOTICS and BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO 2016)
- Guest Editor of Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.29, No.3, Jun. 2017, Special Issue on “Dynamically and Biologically Inspired Legged Locomotion”
- Guest Editor of Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics Vol.29, No.6, Dec. 2017, Special Issue on “Educational Robotics”
- Associate Editor of the SICE Annual Conference 2017 (Track Chair of the SICE System Integration division)
- Referee of IEEE International Conference on ROBOTICS and BIOMIMETICS (ROBIO 2017)
- Editor of the SICE Annual Conference 2018 (Track Chair Head of the SICE System Integration division)
- Activities in academic societies (Domestic, Conference committee and Editor of Journals) : 23
IRIBE Masatsugu
- Department
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Divison of Mechanical and Control Engineering
- Contribution in the local community (International)
- Technical commentator of Plant Disaster Prevention Challenge, World Robot Challenge in World Robot Summit 2018 (2018 October)
- Technical commentator of Plant Disaster Prevention Challenge, World Robot Challenge in World Robot Summit 2020 (2021 October)
- Technical commentator of Plant Disaster Challenge, Pre-Event in World Robot Summit 2025 (2024 October)
- Contribution in the local community (Domestic)
- Instructor of Robot craft workshops in Kobe city : 3
- Prototype robot demonstrations to Home Oxygen Therapy patients : 3
- Referee of the NHK Robot Contest (Kinki region tournament of technical college division) (2013 October)
- Lecturer of the Citizen's college in Amagasaki city (2017)
- Lecturer of the NPO corporation college for the elderly in Osaka Prefecture (2013-2014)
- Technical commentator of the Rescue Robot Contest (2018-2019,2022)
- Referee of the All Japan Micromouse contest (2018-2019)
- Chief of Kansai division of the Micromouse committee(2018- present)
- Committee members, officers, etc. in public institutions
- Chairperson of Technical Committee on Observation Technology for Astronomy, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineering(SICE) System Integration division (2013- 2021)
- Robot Education Business Planning Committee, The Robotics Society of Japan(RSJ) (2015- 2022)
- Board member, The Institute of Systems, Control and Engineers(ISCIE) (2018-2021)
- Board member, Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology (2021- 2022)
- Board member, The Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ) (2023- present)
- Disaster relief activities in Japan and overseas
- Other