Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering

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Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering

NamePositionDegreeMain research themes
Main activities
入部 正継
IRIBE Masatsugu
ProfessorDoctor of EngineeringResearch on and development of robotic
mechatronics devices
兼宗 進
ProfessorDoctor of Systems ManagementResearch on educational programming language and
library for robot control and IoT
田中 宏明
TANAKA Hiroaki
ProfessorDoctor of EngineeringResearch on ultra-precision machining
鄭 聖熹
JEONG Seonghee
ProfessorDoctor of Information ScienceResearch on safe and dexterous robotic systems to assist humans
月間 満
ProfessorDoctor of EngineeringResearch and development of high-performance linear actuators
新関 雅俊
NIIZEKI Masatoshi
ProfessorDoctor of EngineeringResearch on the basic technology of CAD for mechanical designs
小川 勝史
OGAWA Katsushi
Doctor of EngineeringResearch on IoT system for welfare, agriculture
and education
疋田 真一
HIKITA Shinichi
Doctor of EngineeringResearch on eye-gage interface and machanisms of
sensorimotor processing in the brain

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