Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >小川 勝史
Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
- Basic information
- Organization management
- Educational activities
- Research activities
- Social contributions
- Department
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
- Specialized field
Electoric Circuit,Robotics
- Research theme
Science Education with RT(Robot Technology)・IoT(Internet of Things)
Development of rehabilitation RT・IoT equipment
Development of agricultural IoT system
- Career
- Educational background
- B.A. in Engineering, Mie University 1998
- M.A. in Engineering, Tsukuba University 2000
- Ph.D in Engineering, Divison of Mechanical and Control Engineering 2016
- Work history
- 2000.4-2006.3 SANYO Electric Co., Ltd
- 2006.4-2018.3 Osaka Electro-Communication University High school
- 2018.4- Assistant Professor of Osaka Electro-Communication University
- Educational background
- Degree, etc.
- 2018 Ph.D. (Engineering), Osaka Electro-Communication University
- Awards, etc.
- Academic societies
- IEICE(The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers), SICE(The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), IPSJ(Information Processing Society of Japan), JSTE(The Japan Society of Technology Education)
OGAWA Katsushi
- Department
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
- Department / Faculty Management
Department member of the library committee(2018-)
- Activities within the university, such as committees, centers, and research institutes
- Collaboration activities with industry, government, and academia
Organized by Japan Academic Society for Industrial Education, 29th Industrial Education and Research Conference, Lecture title: Current status and future forecast of IoT, points of future education, 2019
- External activities
- Learning programming with games, 11th Techno fair in Netagawa, 2018
- Let's learn physics using RT (robot technology) -Connecting the world around us and the world of computers-, Shiga Prefectural Katata High School, 2018
- Programming of autonomous mobile robots, test runs, and racing!, Osaka Electro-Communication University High school, 2019
- Other
OGAWA Katsushi
- Department
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electro-Mechanical Engineering
- Undergraduate education (lectures)
- Fundamental Electronic Circuits(2020-)
- Electronic Circuits 1(2018-2020)
- Electronic Circuits 2(2018-2021)
- Exercises on Electronic Circuits (2018-2021)
- Exercises on Electric Circuits(2018-2019)
- Basic Engineering(2018-2019)
- Experimental Exercises on Electricity(2019-2020)
- Mechatronics Laboratory 1(2018-)
- Introduction to Career Development(2018-2019)
- Preliminary Seminar(2018-)
- Graduate education (lecture)
- Teaching thesis
- Graduate Study Thesis : 32 (Total, 2018‐2021),2021 : 7
- Master Study Thesis : 3 (Total, 2018-2021), 2021: M1:1,M2:2
- Ph.D Study Thesis : 0
Teaching portfolio
- Posture for class
- Self-evaluation of educational activities
- Training activities to improve classes
- Active learning
- Outline of main course subjects and achievement targets
- Level of achievement against specific goals
- Responding to requests from students
小川 勝史 OGAWA Katsushi
- Department
工学部 電子機械工学科 講師
- Books etc:
- Academic papers, works, etc.
- 小川勝史, 田中宏明, 鄭聖熹:高校教育課程における物理量の体系化の有効性検証と物理学習支援ツールの提案, 工学教育, 第64巻 2号, (2016) 38-43.
- 小川勝史, 田中宏明, 鄭聖熹:高校教育課程における摩擦現象学習支援用RT教材の開発と評価, 工学教育, 64巻, 6号(2016) 99-104.
- 小川勝史,田中宏明,鄭聖熹:高校物理学習用RT教材の開発-円運動での学習支援教材の評価,計測自動制御学会論文集,54巻,2号,(2018)281-289.
- Conference Activities & Talks
- International Conference
- Katsushi Ogawa, Hiroki Aoyama, Hirofumi Hori, Kazuo Yonenobu, Seonghee Jeong: Development of measurement system for robotic walking training device to improve exercise effect in convalescence rehabilitation, 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems ICCAS, Jeju, Korea,Oct.18-21,(2017) 1939-1940.
- Katsushi Ogawa, Hiroaki Tanaka, Seonghee Jeong: RT Educational Tool to Support Learning Physics In High School Curriculum – Development and Evaluation of the RT Educational Tool -, 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems ICCAS, Jeju, Korea,Oct.18-21,(2017) 1952-1953.
- Domestic conference
- 小川 勝史,田中 宏明,鄭聖熹:高等学校教育課程における物理学習に関するRT 教材の開発-物理量計測用センサの体系化-,第14回システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,(2013) 2094-2096.
- 小川勝史,田中宏明,鄭聖熹,森田敬介: 高等学校教育課程における物理学習支援用RT教材-摩擦現象学習支援教材の開発と評価-,第15回システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,(2014) 0355-0357.
- 小川勝史,田中宏明,鄭聖熹:物理学習における物理量の体系化と学習ツールの有効性検証,第16回システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,(2015) 2501-2504.
- 小川 勝史,田中 宏明,鄭聖熹:高校物理学習支援用RT教材の開発-教材ロボットのシステム設計-,第17回システムインテグレーション部門講演会講演論文集,(2016) 2909-2913.
- 小川 勝史, 鄭 聖熹:高校物理力学分野学習支援用RT教材の設計開発,情報教育シンポジウム論文集,p.45-52,(2018)(査読有)
- 上神健二,小川勝史,鄭聖熹,青山宏樹,堀寛史,岡田順,米延策雄,高岡良行: 上肢依存荷重及び歩行距離計測機能を持つ歩行訓練器の開発, LIFE,2-3-1,(2018)
- 岡田順,田口潤智,中谷知生,鄭聖熹,小川勝史,上神健二,青山宏樹,堀寛史,米延策雄,高岡良行: 歩行訓練器での上肢依存荷重計測の臨床的意義,LIFE,1-1-2,(2018)
- 小川勝史,岸本有生:高校生を対象としたIoT・ロボット技術を活用した情報・工学教育の実践,第19回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会,2B4-10,(2018)
- 小川勝史,鄭聖熹,青山宏樹,米延策雄:回復期における常時リハビリテーションを目的としたIoT歩行訓練器の計測システム構築,ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2019,2P2-M08,(2019)
- 上神健二,青山宏樹,米延策雄,小川勝史,鄭聖熹:常時リハビリを目的とした介助アーム付き歩行訓練器の提案,ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2019,2P2-M02,(2019)
- 角樋 大地,岸本 有生,覺前 友哉,小川 勝史:情報教育におけるロボット教材を活用したIoTシステム構築実習の授業実践報告,情報教育シンポジウム論文集,p.287-292,(2019)(査読有)
- 覺前 友哉,角樋 大地,岸本 有生,西田 隆司,小川 勝史:情報教育におけるIoTシステム構築実習 支援用ロボット教材の開発,情報教育シンポジウム論文集,p.305-308,(2019)(査読有)
- 小川勝史, 岸本有生, 角樋大地, 浦部悟, 山本知史, 覺前友哉, 吉川省吾:IoT(Internet of Things)計測システムモデルに基づく情報教育手法ISEMの開発, 日本産業技術教育学会 第62回全国大会(静岡)講演要旨集, p.140, 2P304, (2019)
- External funds, patents, copyrights, etc.
- 2019-2020 科研費 「Society5.0人材育成のためのセンサベースIoT学修システムの開発」
- Activities in academic societies
小川 勝史 OGAWA Katsushi
- Department
工学部 電子機械工学科 講師
- Contribution in the local community
- Committee members, officers, etc. in public institutions
ロボカップジュニア 技術委員(2018年-現在)
- Organization management such as academic societies
- Disaster relief activities in Japan and overseas
- Other