Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >濱田 俊之

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

濱田 俊之 HAMADA Toshiyuki &show(): File not found: "noimage.jpg" at page "濱田 俊之";

  • Department
    工学部 電気電子工学科 准教授
    Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Specialized field
    High Voltage Engineering
  • Research theme
    ・Research and development for improving the safety of photovoltaic power generation systems
  • Career
    • Educational background
      2010.3 University of Miyazaki (Dr. Eng.)
  • Work history
    2010.4~2014.3 Miyazaki Profectural Government, Engineer
    2014.4~2017.9 National Institute of Technology, Ube College, Lecturer
    2017.10~2021.3 National Institute of Technology, Ube College, Associate Professor
    2021.4~ Osaka Electro-Communication University, Associate Professor
  • Degree, etc.
    Dr. Eng., University of Miyazaki, 2022.3
  • Awards, etc.

2018.10 Best Poster Award of ICRERA2018

  • Academic societies

濱田 俊之 HAMADA Toshiyuki

  • Department
    工学部 電気電子工学科 准教授
    Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Department / Faculty Management

  • Activities within the university, such as committees, centers, and research institutes

  • Collaboration activities with industry, government, and academia

  • External activities
  • Other

濱田 俊之 HAMADA Toshiyuki

  • Department
    工学部 電気電子工学科 准教授
    Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Undergraduate education (lectures)
  • Graduate education (lecture)

  • Teaching thesis
    • B.E. course: 10(2022)
    • M.E. course: 1(2022)
    • D.E. course: 0(2022)
  • Teaching portfolio
  • Posture for class
  • Self-evaluation of educational activities
  • Training activities to improve classes
  • Active learning
  • Outline of main course subjects and achievement targets
  • Level of achievement against specific goals
  • Responding to requests from students

濱田 俊之 Toshiyuki HAMADA

  • Department
    工学部 電気電子工学科 准教授
    Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Books etc:
  • Academic papers, works, etc.
    (1) T. Sakoda, T. Hamada, and K. Matsukuma, Plasma Surface Texturing of Single-Crystal Silicon Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, The Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J), Vol. 30, No.3, pp. 595-598, (2005).
    (2) T. Sakoda, T. Hamada, K. Matsukuma, H. Herai, K. Matsui and K. Nagasawa, Selective Etching of Silicon Nitride Film on Single Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Using Intensive Surface Discharge, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), The Japan Society of Applied Physics. Vol. 45, No. 5A, pp. 3992-3993, (9 May 2006).
    (3) T. Hamada, S. Arakawa, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, K. Matsui, K. Nagasawa, Optimization of Convex Electrode Geometry for Surface Discharge Used for Fabrication of the Electrode Groove on Solar Cells, Surface and Coatings Technology, Elsevier, Vol. 202, No. 22-23, pp. 5405-5409 (30 August, 2008).
    (4) T. Hamada, S. Arakawa, M. Otsubo, T. Sakoda, Fabrication of Electrode Groove on Silicon Solar Cell Using High-Pressure Surface Discharge, IEEJ Trans. FM, Vol. 128-A, No. 12, pp. 733-739, (December, 2008) (in Japanese)
    (5) T. Hamada, M. Otsubo and T. Sakoda, Plasma Grooving System Using Surface Discharge Plasma, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Springer, Vol. 29, Issues 3, pp. 197-204, (June, 2009).
    (6) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Studies on non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma process conditions for groove formation on silicon nitride for silicon solar cells, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Elsevier, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.106-112, (December, 2009).
    (7) T. Hamada, M. Otsubo and T. Sakoda, Examination of Maskless Etching Technique Using a Localized Surface Discharge Plasma, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEJ-TEEE), WILEY Inter Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 115-117, (January 2010).
    (8) T. Hamada, T. Mizumoto, T. Arimura, T. Sakoda, Maskless Surface Processing Technique Using Atmospheric Pressure Non-Thermal Surface Discharge Plasma, IEEJ Trans. FM, Vol. 130-A, No. 10, pp.907-912, (October 2010).(in Japanese)
    (9) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, Etching Characteristics of Fabricated Grooves on Silicon Solar Cell Using Surface Discharge Plasma, IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan , Vol. 130-A, No. 11, pp.999-1003, (November 2010).
    (10) T. Hamada, S. Arakawa, M. Otsubo, T. Sakoda, Fabrication of electrode groove on silicon solar cell by high‐pressure surface discharge, ELECTRONIC and COMMUNICATIONS in JAPAN, WILEY Inter Science, Vol. 94, Issue 4, pp. 28-35, (April 2011).
    (11) T. Hamada, T. Arimura, T. Sakoda, Studies on optimal gas supply for a maskless etching system with micro- discharge plasma operated at atmospheric pressure, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Springer, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp.325-332, (March 2012).
    (12) T. Arimura, K. Hirano, T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, Frequency Dependence on Etching Characteristics of Silicon Using Surface Discharge Plasma, IEEJ Trans. FM, Vol. 132,No. 4,pp. 333-334 ,(April 2012) (in Japanese)
    (13) T. Hamada, D. Mine, T. Sakoda, Examination of B. Subtilis Spore Sterilization by an Underwater - Ar – Plasma, IEEJ Trans. FM, Vol. 136, No.1,pp. 64-65, (January 2016)(in Japanese)
    (14) T. Hamada, Etching Characteristics of Si using Surface Discharge Plasma under Ar/CF4 and He/CF4 Conditions, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Elsevier, Vol.66, pp.212-214, (August 2017).
    (15) K. Nakamoto, T. Hamada, T. Yamamoto, I. Nanno, S. Oke, N. Ishikura, M. Fujii, Large Current Impulse Test for the Metal Flame of a Photovoltaic Solar Module, The Journal of the Institute of Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan: J. Inst. Elect. Instal. Engnr. Jpn., Vol. 40、No. 2、pp. 10-11(February, 2020)(in Japanese)
    (16) T. Hamada, K. Nakamoto, I. Nanno, N. Ishikura, S. Oke, M. Fujii, Characteristics of Failed Bypass Diodes for Photovoltaic Module by Artificial and Natural Lightning, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Series Vol. 598, ISBN978-3-030-31675-4, pp. 1218-1224, (March 2020).
    (17) T. Hamada, K. Nakamoto, Electrical Shock Prevention System for a Photovoltaic System Using Electromagnetic Relay, Japan Solar Energy Society, Journal of Japan Solar Energy Socety, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 103-108, (2020年6月).(in Japanese)
    (18) Toshiyuki Hamada, Shunsuke Masuda, Kazuki Nishida, Soma Yamamoto, Etching Characteristics of SixNy Film on Textured Single Crystalline Silicon Surface using Ar/CF4 and He/CF4 Surface Discharge Plasma, Coatings, No. 10, 6, (June 2020), pp. 563-571.
    (19) T. Kawasaki, T. Yamamoto, D. Wagi, T. Hamada, I. Nanno, Proposal of Coupled Model Using Current FB to Reproduce the Temperature Distribution of PV Cells with Hot-Spot, Japan Solar Energy Society, Journal of Japan Solar Energy Socety, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 69-75 (December 2021).(in Japanese)
    (20) T. Hamada, T. Azuma, I. Nanno, M. Fujii, N. Ishikura, S. Oke, Effect of Failure Characteristics of Bypass Diode in Photovoltaic Solar Module on Burnout, The Journal of the Institute of Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan: J. Inst. Elect. Instal. Engnr. Jpn., Vol. 42, No. 3, pp.16-17, (November 2022)(in Japanese)
    (21) T. Hamada, M. Okamoto, Proposal and Practice of a Novel Project Based Learning at Electrical Wiring Practice of Electrical Installation, The Journal of the Institute of Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan: J. Inst. Elect. Instal. Engnr. Jpn., Vol. 43, No. 4, (2023.3) pp.32-40.(In Japanese)
    (22) Toshiyuki HAMADA and Masayuki OKAMOTO, PBL PRACTICE OF THE ELECTRICIAN LICENSE TEST AND EXAMINATION OF LEARNING EFFECT AND IMPLEMENTATION SCHEJULE BASED ON QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY, Journal of the Japan Association for College of Technology, The Japan Association for College of Technology, Vol.28, No.3 (2023.7), pp.61-67.
    (23) Toshiyuki Hamada, Tomoki Azuma, Ikuo Nanno, Norio Ishikura, Masayuki Fujii, Shinichiro Oke, Impact of Bypass Diode Fault Resistance Values on Burnout in Bypass Diode Failures in Simulated Photovoltaic Modules with Various Output Parameters, Energies, Vol.16, No.5879, (August 2023), pp.1-10.
    (24) Toshiyuki Hamada, Ikuo Nanno, Norio Ishikura, Masayuki Fujii, Shinichiro Oke, Breakdown Characteristics of Schottky Barrier Diodes used as Bypass Diodes in Photovoltaic Modules under Lightning Surges, Energies, Vol. 16, No.23, 7792, (November 2023), pp. 1-11.
    (25) Toshiyuki Hamada, Kazuki Nishida, Masafumi Yoshida, Impact of Ar/CF₄ Mixed Gas Flow Rate on Silicon Etching Using Surface Discharge Plasma, Applied Sciences, Vol.14, No.10,4252, (May 2024), pp.1-9.
  • Conference Activities & Talks
    (1) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, K. Matsukuma, H. Herai, K. Matsui, K. Nagasawa Studies of Conditions Required for Formation of Electrode Grooves on Silicon Solar Cell Using Surface Discharge, ACED13, Proc. of ACED13 , 13th Asian Conference on Electrical Discharge, No. O-14, Hokkaido, Japan, (October. 2006) Proc. CD-ROM.
    (2) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, M. Matsui and K. Nagasawa: Evaluation of Electrode Grooves Formed Using Surface Discharge Plasma, Proc. of ISPC18, 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC18, No. 28-P74, Kyoto, Japan (August. 2007) Proc. CD-ROM.
    (3) M. Esaki, M. Taniguchi, T. Hamada, D. Tashima, T. Sakoda, and M. Otsubo, Effect of Surface Modification of Carbon Electrode for Electric Double Layer Capacitor Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge, 6th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, AEPSE2007, No. P2037, Nagasaki Japan, (September 2007) pp. 205.
    (4) T. Hamada, S. Arakawa, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, K. Matsui, K. Nagasawa, Optimization of Convex Electrode Geometry for Surface Discharge Used for Fabrication of the Electrode Groove on Solar Cells, Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, AEPSE2007, No. P, pp. (September 2007).
    (5) S. Arakawa, T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Effects of Back Electrode for Etching of Silicon Nitride Film on Solar Cells Using Surface Discharge, Proc. of J-K Joint Symp. ED and HVE 2007, 2007 Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, No. 16B-p5, Tokyo, Japan, (November. 2007) pp.91-94.
    (6) T. Hamada, S. Arakawa, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Fabrication of Electrode Grooves on Solar Cells Using Surface Discharge, 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference,PVSEC17, Technical Dijest of the International PVSEC-17, No. 4P-P2-17, Fukuoka, Japan, (December. 2007) pp. 708-709.
    (7) T. Hamada, T. Rokuta, R. Kondo, M. Otsubo and T. Sakoda, Plasma Grooving System Using Surface Discharge Plasma, 4th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia, VASSCAA-4, No. 28P024, Matsue, Japan (October. 2008) pp.188.
    (8) R. Hirayama, T. Hamada, M. Otsubo and T. Sakoda, Si Etching by Atmospheric Pressure Surface Discharge, 4th Vacuum and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia, VASSCAA-4, No. 28P016, Matsue, Japan (October. 2008) pp.180.
    (9) T. Hamada, M. Otsubo, T. Sakoda, Etching of Silicon Nitride Using Atmospheric Pressure Surface Discharge Plasma, The 7th International Conference on Materials Processing for Properties and Performance, MP3, No.AMFT-7005, Singapore (November. 2008) Proc. CD-ROM.
    (10) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Studies on formation of electrode grooves for solar cell using high pressure surface discharge, The 4th International Congress on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications, CAPPSA2009, Proc. of CAPPSA2009, Gent Belgium, (June 2009) pp. 33-36.
    (11) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Studies on etchings of silicon nitride films with various film thickness silicon substrates using surface discharge, The 4th International Congress on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications, CAPPSA2009, Proc. of CAPPSA2009, Gent Belgium, (June 2009) pp. 37-40.
    (12) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Studies on Si etching using atmospheric pressure surface discharge plasma, The 10th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, ISSP2009, Proc. of ISSP2009, No. PP P-2, Kanazawa Japan, (July 2009) pp. 496-499.
    (13) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Maskless Plasma Etching Technique Using Surface Discharge Plasma, The 7th Asia-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, PSE2009, No. PA1040, Busan, Korea (September 2009) pp. 214
    (14) T. Mizumoto, T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Silicon etching using atmospheric pressure surface discharge plasmas operated with different power sources, The 7th Asia-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, PSE2009, No. PA3061, Busan, Korea (September 2009) pp. 421
    (15) T. Hamada, T. Sakoda, M. Otsubo, Studies on Etching Characteristics of Fabricated Grooves on Silicon Solar Cell Using Surface Discharge Plasma, Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Electrical Discharge and High Voltage Engineering, Korea, No. PD-15, Busan, Korea, (November 2009), pp. 234-237.
    (16) Takuya Arimura, Takayuki Mizumoto, Toshiyuki Hamada, Tatsuya Sakoda, Development of a Grooving System for Solar Cell”, 16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2010), Proc. ICEE2010, Busan, Korea (July 2010), Proc. CD-ROM.
    (17) T. Hamada, Etching of Si using surface discharge at various carrier gases, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2016 (ICEE2016), Proc. of ICEE2016, Okinawa, Japan (July 2016).
    (18) ​S. Yamamoto, T. Hamada, Influence of Carrier Gas for Etching of Silicon Nitride Film on Silicon Solar Cells using Surface Discharge Plasma, 10th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 11th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma 2018 / IC-PLANTS 2018 Technology), No. 06P07, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan, (March 2018)
    (19) S. Oke, H. Sakai, H. Tottori, I. Nanno, T. Hamada, M. Fujii, N. Ishikura, CHARACTERISTICS AND RISKS OF BROKEN BYPASS DIODE WITHINDUCED LIGHTNING, Grand Renewable Energy 2018 International Conference and Exhibition (GRE2018), No. a91154, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, (21 June 2018)
    (20) T. Hamada, K. Nishida,Effect of gas flow rate for silicon etching using surface discharge plasma, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2018 (ICEE2018), Proc. of ICEE2018, No. G4-2010, Seoul, Korea (June 2018), pp. 1783-1786
    (21) T. Hamada, K. Nakamoto, I. Nanno, N. Ishikura, S. Oke, M. Fujii, Breakdown Characteristics of Schottky Barrier Diode for PV Module using Induced Lightning Surge, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2018 (ICEE2018), Proc. of ICEE2018, G4-2013, Seoul, Korea (June 2018), pp.1787-1790
    (22) S. Oke, H. Sakai, H. Tottori, I. Nanno, T. Hamada, N. Ishikura, M. Fujii, I-V Characteristics of Broken Bypass Diode on PV Module, 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (35th EU PVSEC), Proc. of 35th EUPVSEC, Brussel, Belgium, September 27, 2018, pp. 1996-2000.
    (23) T. Hamada, K. Nakamoto, I. Nanno, M. Fujii, S. Oke, N. Ishikura, Characteristics of Failure Schottky Barrier Diode and PN Junction Diode for Bypass Diode using Induced Lightning Serge Test, 7th IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA2018), Proc. of ICRERA2018, No. CFP1835T-ART, ISBN978-1-5386-5982-3, ISSN2572-6013, Paris, France, October 15, 2018, pp. 482-486.
    (24) N. Ishikura, T. Okamoto, I. Nanno, T. Hamada, S. Oke, M. Fujii, Simulation Analysis of Really Occurred Accident Caused by Short Circuit Failure of Blocking Diode and Bypass Circuit in the Photovoltaics System, 7th IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA2018), Proc. of ICRERA2018, No. CFP1835T-ART, ISBN978-1-5386-5982-3, ISSN2572-6013, Paris, France, October 15, 2018, pp. 533-536.
    (25) ​​T. Hamada, K. Nakamoto, I. Nanno, N. Ishikura, M. Fujii, S. Oke, Failure Characteristics of Schottky Barrier Diodes for Photovoltaic Modules Short-Circuited by Lightning-Induced Surges, The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2019 (ICEE2019), Proc. of ICEE2019, No. ICEE19-J114, Hong Kong, (3 July 2019).
    (26) T. Hamada, K. Nakamoto, I. Nanno, N. Ishikura, S. Oke, M. Fujii, Characteristics of Failed Bypass Diodes for Photovoltaic Module by Artificial and Natural Lightning, International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering 2019 (ISH2019), Proc. of ISH2019, Budapest, (August 2019), Proc. USB (7 pages).
    (27) T. Hamada, K. Nakamoto, T. Kasiwaya, I. Nanno, N. Ishikura, M. Fujii, S. Oke, Characteristics of Failure SiC Schottky Barrier Diode and Si Schottky Barrier Diode using Induced Lightning Serge Application Test, 8th IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA2019), Proc. of ICRERA2019, No. CFP1935T-ART, ISBN978-1-7281-3587-8, ISSN2572-6013, Brasov, Romania, (November 6, 2019), 631-635.
    (28) Y. Fujimoto, K. Nakamoto, I. Nanno, T. Hamada, N. Ishikura, S. Oke, M. Fujii, T. Oozeki, Influence of an Impulse Current near a Photovoltaic Solar Module on Bypass Diode Characteristics, 8th IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA2019), Proc. of ICRERA2019, No. CFP1935T-ART, ISBN978-1-7281-3587-8, ISSN2572-6013, Brasov, Romania, (November 5, 2019), 181-185.
    (29) T. Kashiwaya, K. Nakamoto, I. Nanno, T. Hamada, N. Ishikura, S. Oke, M. Fujii, Characteristics of Failure SiC Schottky Barrier Diode and Si Schottky Barrier Diode using Induced Lightning Serge Test, The 7th East Asia Joint Symposium on Plasma and Electrostatics Technologies for. Environmental Applications (EAPETEA-7), Proc. of EAPETEA-7, No. P1-02, Naha, Okinawa, November 26, 2019, Proc. USB.
    (30) Y. Shimizu, T. Hamada, Influence of Carrier Gas for Etching of Silicon Nitride Film on Silicon Solar Cells using Surface Discharge Plasma, The 7th East Asia Joint Symposium on Plasma and Electrostatics Technologies for. Environmental Applications (EAPETEA-7), Proc. of EAPETEA-7, No. P2-11, Naha, Okinawa, November 27, 2019, Proc. USB.
    (31) Toshiyuki Hamada, Kenta Nakamoto, Ikuo Nanno, Norio Ishikura, Shinichiro Oke, Masayuki Fujii, Fault Characteristics of Schottky Barrier Diode used as Bypass Diode in Photovoltaic Module against Repetitive Surges, IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-47, Virtual meeting), Proc. of PVSC-47, No. #291, ISSN: 0160-8371, June 15 – August 21, (2020).
    (32) Toshiyuki Hamada, Takumi Kashiwaya, Shinnosuke Yoneda, Kenta Nakamoto, Durability Performance Testing of SiC Diodes for use as Bypass Diodes in Photovoltaic Modules, IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-47), Proc. of PVSC-47, Virtual meeting, No. #594, ISSN: 0160-8371, June 15 – August 21, (2020).
    (33) Toshiyuki Hamada, Shinnosuke Yoneda, Ikuo Nanno, Norio Ishikura, Shinichiro Oke, Masayuki Fujii, Effect on Bypass Diodes of Passing an Impulse Current through the Metal Frame of a Photovoltaic Module, IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-47, Virtual meeting), Proc. of PVSC-47, No. #686, ISSN: 0160-8371, June 15 – August 21, (2020).
    (34) Tsukasa Uramatsu, Ikuo Nanno, Toshiyuki Hamada, Shinichiro Oke, Norio Ishikura, Masayuki Fuji, Prediction of Average Si Temperature inside BPD under lightning Surge by Electric and Temperature Coupled Model, IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-47, Virtual meeting), Proc. of PVSC-47, No. #143, ISSN: 0160-8371, June 15 – August 21, (2020).
    (35) Shuto Koyama, Ikuo Nanno, Kunpei Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hamada, Shinichiro Oke, Norio Ishikura, Masayuki Fujii, Proposal of Open Failure BPD Diagnosis in PVS and Shade Data Generation Method, IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-47, Virtual meeting), Proc. of PVSC-47, No. #485, ISSN: 0160-8371, June 15 – August 21, (2020).
    (36)Toshiyuki Hamada, Shinnosuke Yoneda, Kenta Nakamoto, Masayuki Okamoto, Development of Electric Shock Prevention Systems for Photovoltaic Solar Systems using Electromagnetic Relay, IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC-48), Proc. of PVSC-48, Virtual meeting, ISSN: 0160-8371, June 20 - 25, (2021).
    (37)K Yamamoto, I Nanno, J Murakami, T Hamada, M Fujii, T Hirata, S Oke, and N Ishikura, Proposal of Reproduded I-V Characeristics of aPhotovoltaic System Linearizaiton Method to Suppress Vibration of FB Model, The 11th International Symposium on Solar Energy and Efficient Energy Usage (SOLARIS2021), No. A-73, (September 2021), pp. 1-5.
    (38)Y. Okamura, R. Michida, T. Hirata, M. Fujii, I. Nanno,T. Hamada, S. Oke, N. Ishikura, A Study on Continuous Monitoring and Fault Detection of Photovoltaic Modules, 31st International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC-31), December 2021, p. 190.
    (39)Tomoki Azuma, Toshiyuki Hamada, Ikuo Nanno, Masayuki Fujii, Norio Ishikura and Shinichiro Oke, STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POWER CONSUMPTION AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A FAILED BPD DURING LOAD OPERATION OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE WITH BYPASS DIODE FAILURE, Grand Renewable Energy 2022 International Conference(GRE2022), No. 100035, December 2022, Online conference.
    (40)Tomoki Azuma, Toshiyuki Hamada, Ikuo Nanno, Masayuki Fujii, Norio Ishikura and Shinichiro Oke, IMPACT OF BYPASS DIODE FAULT RESISTANCE ON BURNOUT IN PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES WITH DIFFERENT FILL FACTORS, Proceeding of International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering 2023 (ISH2023),No. P1.33, August 2023, Glasgow, UK.
    (41)Ibuki Kitamura, Toshiyuki Hamada, Ikuo Nanno, Norio Ishikura, Masayuki Fujii, Shinichiro Oke, NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE BYPASS DIODE FAILURE RESISTANCE AND THOSE POWER CONSUMPTION IN A PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR MODULE WITH FAILED BYPASS DIODE, 41st European Photovolotaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, No. 3AV.2.42, Vienna, Austria, September 2024.
  • External funds, patents, copyrights, etc.
    (1) JSPS KAKENHI, JP18K04644
    (2) JSPS KAKENHI, JP21H01580
  • Activities in academic societies

濱田 俊之 Toshiyuki HAMADA

  • Department
    工学部 電気電子工学科 准教授
    Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Contribution in the local community

  • Committee members, officers, etc. in public institutions

  • Organization management such as academic societies

  • Disaster relief activities in Japan and overseas

  • Other

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