Osaka Electro-Communication University Faculty Information Database >Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Faculty Information Database TOP
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Name | Position | Degree | Main research themes Main activities |
海老原 聡 EBIHARA Satoshi | Professor | Doctor of Engineering | Research on electromagnetic wave measurement for investigation of underground |
民田 太一郎 TAMIDA Taichiro | Professor | Doctor of Engineering | Power electronics, and Pulse power application technology |
富岡 明宏 TOMIOKA Akihiro | Professor | Ph.D. | Conductive light-emitting devices made of environment friendly organic materials |
中瀬 泰伸 NAKASE Yasunobu | Professor | Doctor of Engineering | Low Power Integrated Circuit Design |
松浦 秀治 MATSUURA Hideharu | Professor | Doctor of Engineering | Environmentally-friendly semiconductor devices (such as solar solar cell) |
渡邊 俊彦 WATANABE Toshihiko | Professor | Doctor of Engineering | Environmentally-friendly semiconductor devices (such as solar solar cell) |
伊藤 義道 ITO Yoshimichi | Associate Professor | Doctor of Engineering | Basic theory on signals and systems, and its applications |
濱田 俊之 HAMADA Toshiyuki | Associate Professor | Doctor of Engineering |